
CNC : Fund of assistance to innovation, audiovisual, FAIA

CNC : Fonds d’aide à l’innovation audiovisuelle, FAIA

The new aid for script writing


This is a moment that I had not written article : Between the launch of the Scenario+the creation of my school free of cinema, animation and Comics : Skilleezee, and answer your questions on the blog, I confess that I have not been able to ask me to write my article bi-weekly.

Not counting the new european rules that require me to make some changes on how to administer this blog…

Please know that I continue to think of you and to collect not a lot ofinformation super useful. The proof is, that today, I’m going to talk to you about the new aid that the CNC (centre of cinematography (cnc) has put in place.

And the good news is that for one of these aid you don’t need

1) To have a producer

2) experience*

3) give your name

Yes, you read that right ! Then you say : “But how is this possible ? “

It is true that in reading the text we can ask a lot of questions, but I assure you that what I have just told you is true : The filing of your scenario is ANONYMOUS !

Frankly, when I read it I didn’t believe it. But I have to proof a friend of writer/ director, who comes to get a help of 7 500 euros on a concept of the series, without giving production, its name, or tape demo !

It is just Enormous !


What is this fund ?

It’s that simple ! It is there to promote creation and innovation for the television.

The 3 types are concerned : Fiction, animation and documentary. Be aware that the fund has existed since 2005, but that it is the reform of 2018 this fund we are talking about today.

How much ?

This fund is endowed with € 3.5 million/ Year. Suffice to say that the possibility of being helped is important. But what are the terms of access to this fund, which will change the game for all the authors/ writers that have stories and concepts full drawers.

Assistance to authors and to the concepts reached 10 000 euro ! Like all subsidies it is the maximum…so needless to say this is not sure to reach this amount.

If you have a project, “european”, that is to say that if the authors/ co-authors are of different nationalities then the maximum assistance will be increased to 50 000 euros !

This amount is directly paid in the pocket of the or of the authors who have obtained the help.

Yes, but this is what innovation in audiovisual ?

Here’s a good question !

Innovation is not only technological. It is not necessary to necessarily to file for a patent to be innovative.

We can see several innovations :

1) Technological

2) use

3) Social

4) other

Anyway, all this to tell you that what meant the CNC, these are not concepts never seen or employing a technology that came from another world ! NO !

That means the CNC by Innovation is to simply think of content creation, movies, etc…differently.

Explanations :

1) Take account of the enlargement of the audiovisual sector

Writing for other “media” as television, is innovative ! Yes, I know for us it is a no-brainer…The CNC is a old lady and she needs more time to take the changes into account. It takes time that’s all !

It could have been worse…Imagine if the CNC had been an old lady, deaf and bedridden…We would still be waiting for the change LOL

Dear CNC, if you read these lines, know that it is of the second degree…The elderly have the humour, or not ?! ;o)

In short, if, dear readers, you write a series of ” Linear “ for the mobile, tablets, web etc…and well you are innovative ! This is not a good new ?!

It says thank you ? Thank you Granny CNC

2) to Promote the projects of audiovisual coproductions of French initiative

What does it mean ?

Well, there are more and more co-productions as european or international. To do this a French author, the origin of the concept of series, for example, will be encouraged to go seek co-authors foreign to promote co-productions in the future.

Basically, it is put in before the French creation by putting the dough on the table to convince other authors to co-write and increase the quality of the offer…And of course make up boxes products on the project !

“The quality of the offer” this are the words of the CNC, not mine.

I think the offer is already qualitative , without the need to go in search of co-authors foreign. But it becomes innovative if it is done.

3) Strengthen the support in the design phase, and the specificity of this stage of creation.

What does it do ?

Then I confess to you that, for me, it is a real step forward. The CNC assumes that the step of creating is crucial for a writer…Until then we are in agreement.

But an author, especially in need of :

1) time

2) exchange

Time to write and also have time to compare his work with other people as : scriptdoctors, graphic designers, documentalists, etc…

Once again it is an absolute certainty ! The author is at the heart of the process of a film. It needs time and money. Well will give an account of it in 2018 (and there are still a lot of progress to make) and this is innovation.

In fact innovation is to do all this that we were not doing before.

Oh, also once this article is finished I decided to be innovative, I’ll go do the dishes LOL

Well, for this help, it already existed, they add just the right amount of help. But it’s good sometimes to be a little mocking.

In terms of distribution of the aid granted, if The CNC assigns you 10 000 euros, it will be necessary to define in the folder, the distribution of aid as a percentage, with a minimum of 30% allocated to the employees helping them.

For example, if you needa scriptdoctor or an accompaniment to the writing, and that you want that we work together, it will be necessary to explain, in the file artistic, the help I’m going to bring you : Scripdoctoring, specify the bases, plot, structure, etc…But it will not appoint me as the collaborators and the authors are anonymous.

The icing on the cake, if I helped them (or someone else) I (it) wouldn(t) not considered to be a co-author but as a collaborator, that is to say that you would retain all rights to your scenario.

Now, you know “almost” everything on this help. I’ll join you, at the bottom of this article, the links to articles that the ACSB has written.

Ha ! One last thing. For each commission the same author may submit 2 projects , but not more than 4 per year.

Finally, it is necessary that your project be free, that is to say that you have no contract with a broadcaster. But if you have already submitted your project to a broadcaster, but that it was refused, you have the right to submit your project to the commission.

You can find here the link to the page of the CNC that explains it all…In the least funny : Click here

Folder help request : Click here

Here is the agenda of the next commissions : Click here

So for this article on “ The reform of the innovation support of the CNC “. Please do not hesitate to ask me questions below this article.

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*It is true that it is not necessary to experience, in the sense that if you drop the concept of the series, you do not need to have already written a series. It must all the same be filled to justify having written two short films, aided financially by the CNC or a regional aid.

Which proves once again that spending by the short film and attempt a “commission” associative ” can you open the doors.

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