[critical] A Night

Paris. Simon Weiss, commander of the Brigade Mondaine, began, like every night, his tour of the facilities at night. His job. A night, but not like the others… Very soon Weiss understands that one wants to trap him. Caught in the crossfire between the police of the police and the thugs, Weiss will defend himself, confronting cops, businessmen and crooks…

Author’s Note


Release Date : January 4, 2012

Directed by Philippe Lefebvre (II)

Film French

With Roschdy Zem, Sara Forestier, Samuel Le Bihan

Duration : 1h 40min

Original title : A Night

Trailer :

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Detective Film, placing the viewer in the bath in the first few seconds without taking the trouble to explain anything, One Night is a delightful dive in the heart of the parisian nights through the eyes of a commander of the Brigade Mondaine, Simon Weiss. Every night since many years it operates in the same ritual, every night he brings his tour of the facilities at night. Sometimes to help a patron of a nightclub in difficulty, sometimes for magouiller a few tickets in exchange for a service, sometimes to close a facility that does not comply with the rules of the game, its rules of the game.

A Night out could be similar to a documentary as the events occurring in front of our eyes seem real, authentic. Each situation could unfold every night at the bottom of your parisian building. Therefore one can easily understand one thing : the director, Philippe Lefebvre (II), wants to be the anti-Olivier Marchal, that is to say, the anti-action film, nag is trying to be realistic but playing with all the clichés that this job could lead to. Here, no shootings to the death, not of overabundance of scenes that shock, just night more or less ordinary for a cop forced to juggle constantly between the good and the evil to be respected and survive in an environment where the sanction of death will be a pleasure to remind us to order at the slightest opportunity.

A polar, high-quality plunging without warning the viewer into a world cruel and fantastical, the world of the night.

However, A Night is not a dive to be realistic in a world electrifying crowds, it is also perfectly mastered that the viewer will be pleased to dissect in detail. The staging is brilliant sincerity. Every inch of Paris is beautifully exploited, every place visited has this wildness and natural unstable own in the world of the night. The minimal dialogue to maximize this permanent tension are orchestrated by a master hand.

And what can we say of this casting jubilant propelling A Night to the best of the genre. Roschdy Zem book one of its most beautiful features. Copy the whole line it is the perfect embodiment of this cop worn down by a profession that takes guts. The second knife has also a nice share of the cake, with a Jean-Pierre Martins has not lost any of her animal magnetism, and actor Richard Bohringer that is a joy to see on the screens.

The only downside will come for my share of a final a little too expected and easy. The director knew not probably not how to conclude this night in paris and he then dived head first into a cliché a little big. However, One night stays a thriller of high quality diving without preventing the viewer in a cruel world and fantastical, the world of the night. An exercise in style as succulent as perfectly mastered.

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