
[critical] NOAH

Le name of Darren Aronofsky does may be telling you nothing, if you are not part of most movie goers, readers, and that to you the director is just a name among others in the credits. By cons, if I tell you that this is the author of REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, there that can do tilt, as this film became the prototype of the cult film (no one has seen it in the theatres, all the world puts it in his top 10 now). The kind of film that leaves an indelible mark as it was the case of his first three films, Aronofsky the favorite in the title race as prestigious as the ridiculous of the “new Kubrick”. PI, his first feature, followed the quest of a mathematician convinced that the number Pi is the basis of everything and was quite literally a headache, a sign that it was successful. The third, THE FOUNTAIN, perhaps the most misunderstood, yet it is his masterpiece, imbued with mystical, but without giving in to the hysteria or the vapidity of religious.

It enchaina then with THE WRESTLER, dispensable rehash of the Dardenne brothers shining, however, by his direction of the actors (Mickey Rourke in the lead) and then the BLACK SWAN, which, although a little over-meaning, manages to bring together public success and critical, both well deserved. It is, therefore, to say that we have waited his new album, repeatedly postponed, which is never a good sign, unless it is to wait for the improvement of the technique, because that could be invoked in this kind of a mammoth project. Not being very focused on the Bible nor on the side straight from the trailer, I went there fearful but at the same time confident in the talent of Aronofsky.

The technical team is made up of the faithful, who are obviously no strangers to the high quality of his films: the composer Clint Mansell by Kronos Quartet, already guilty of the unforgettable music of REQUIEM FOR A DREAM; Matthew Libatique, chief operator of all the movies Aronofsky (except THE WRESTLER, the more ugly, as if by chance) that the photo sublime landscapes of the icelandic or Jennifer Connelly casting. Russell Crowe had already been approached for THE FOUNTAIN, which he had refused because… he did not understand the script! Poor guy, he had to find his account here, with this scenario in a simple… of the bible.

“In the end, the film confuses everyone : muslims forbid christians cry at the betrayal, the non-believers are bored in front of yet another variation of the sacrifice judeo-christian of the man who must be punished for his misdeeds.”

This is the main criticism that one can make with the film. If visual side, everything is a great mastery, on the other hand side scenario it is the flat desert. Everyone knows the story of Noah’s ark, which housed all of the animals before the flood. We know a bit less about the ins and outs of the story (it was at least my case). It is discovered in front of the film as it is may be that the rest not worth the money. We are witnessing the making of the ark for a good hour, interspersed with scenes of battle between Russell Gladiator and hordes of savages who want to take in the ark but who do not deserve it because they are men, and that their sins condemn them.

After 1: 30 the flood gets finally and there are no more than a few characters in the ark and the animals, strangely absent from the screen. The next bestiary is sloppy, their arrival being shown by large plans large inflated digitally and then nothing more. In the room everyone look at the time, a sign that the film could (or should) end here. However, it is still a good half-hour (and who looks older) behind closed doors where we repeat over and over that humanity must die because she is poor. This story simplsiste did not deserve, perhaps, not to be told, in any case not outside of the churches or not in a film of 2: 18.

The illustration is too literal interpretation of certain passages of the Bible leaves a film print creationist. Yet Aronofsky himself defends and declares the same to be a non-believer. In the end, the film confuses everyone: muslims forbid it because he is a prophet, christians cry at the betrayal and do not tolerate the few differences are fantastic, the other, non-believers, the disbelievers (including me) are bored in front of this umpteenth variation of the sacrifice judeo-christian: man should be punished for his misdeeds.

Original title : Noah

Realization : Darren Aronofsky

Scenario : Darren Aronofsky, Ari Handel

Main actors : Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson

Country of origin : USA

Output : 9 April 2014

Duration : 2: 18

Distributor : Paramount Pictures

Synopsis : The story of Noah, a man promised an exceptional destiny while an apocalyptic deluge will destroy the world. The end of the world… is only the beginning.

Category: Uncategorized

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