How old is Scryed?

How old is Scryed?

Kazuma Torisuna

Weight 63 kg
Age 17 (manga) 16 (anime)
Status alive
Birthdate January 16 CAPRICORN ♑

When was Scryed released?

July 4, 2001s-CRY-ed / First episode date

Who won ryuho or Kazuma?

Though not their first one-on-one battle, it is the first in which Ryuho goes entirely all out, summoning not only the full power form of his Alter Zetsuei, but a near homicidal rage for killing Kazuma once and for all.

Why is it called s-CRY-ed?

The title s-CRY-ed is basically a combination of one English word and Japanese. The first lower-case “s” is a representation of the Japanese word su which means something in its natural form and not artificial.

What does PV mean in anime?

Promotional Video. Video, Japan, Music. Video, Japan, Music.

Is s-CRY-ed on Crunchyroll?

s-CRY-ed – Watch on Crunchyroll.

How old is ryuho in s-CRY-ed?

eighteen years old
At eighteen years old, Ryuho (劉鳳, Ryūhō) is widely regarded as the strongest HOLY member.

Who won Kazuma or ryuho?

Ryuho is rather amused by the proposal and the two battle to decide who was really the strongest after all. After the earth shaking battle, it seems that both combatants were rendered unconscious, but slowly a hand raises itself over the battle field, signaling itself as the winner.

Is s-CRY-ed worth watching?

If you like action and a thick story mixed with it, s-CRY-ed is definitely worth a look-see. It is one that will leave you on the edge of your seat, eagerly awaiting each episode. It also sticks to the story–there aren’t any filler episodes that aren’t attached directly to the storyline.

What does P * V mean?


Acronym Definition
P/V Pressure/Volume
P/V Peso sobre Volumen (Spanish: Volume Weight)
P/V Pageviews per Visit