What is name based virtual hosting?
What is name based virtual hosting?
Name-based virtual hosting uses the host name presented by the client. This saves IP addresses and the associated administrative overhead but the protocol being served must supply the host name at an appropriate point. In particular, there are significant difficulties using name-based virtual hosting with SSL/TLS.
What are the differences between IP based virtual hosts compared with name based virtual hosts?
IP-based virtual hosts use the IP address of the connection to determine the correct virtual host to serve. Therefore you need to have a separate IP address for each host. With name-based virtual hosting, the server relies on the client to report the hostname as part of the HTTP headers.
How do you create name based virtual hosts?
To set up Name based virtual hosting you must need to tell Apache to which IP you will be using to receive the Apache requests for all the websites or domain names. We can do this with NameVirtualHost directive. Open Apache main configuration file with VI editor.
What is a virtual server host?
A host virtual machine is the server component of a virtual machine (VM), the underlying hardware that provides computing resources to support a particular guest virtual machine (guest VM). Together, the host virtual machine and guest virtual machine make up a virtual machine server.
What is the purpose of virtual servers?
A virtual server re-creates the functionality of a dedicated physical server. It exists transparently to users as a partitioned space inside a physical server. Virtualizing servers makes it easy to reallocate resources and adapt to dynamic workloads.
How do virtual hosts work Apache?
The Apache HTTP server supports virtual hosts, meaning that it can respond to requests that are directed to multiple IP addresses or host names that correspond to the same host machine. You can configure each virtual host to provide different content and to behave differently.
What is virtual hosting in web?
Virtual hosting is a web server that appears as more than one host on the Internet; the apparent host names distinguishes one host from another one. Using virtual hosting you can run multiple web services, each with a different host name and URL, that appear to be separate sites.
Why do I need an SSL certificate for my website?
Websites need SSL certificates to keep user data secure, verify ownership of the website, prevent attackers from creating a fake version of the site, and convey trust to users.