What is IBOutletCollection?
What is IBOutletCollection?
As the name says, an IBOutletCollection is a collection of IBOutlets . It can either be a collection of UI elements. An IBOutletCollection of UIButton in code will look like this: @IBOutlet var starButtons: [UIButton]! It will be an array of UIButton objects.
What is outlet in Swift?
An outlet is a property that is annotated with the symbol IBOutlet and whose value you can set graphically in a nib file or a storyboard. You declare an outlet in the interface of a class, and you make a connection between the outlet and another object in the nib file or storyboard.
How to create array IBOutlet in swift?
Create an array of IBOutlets. Add multiple UIElements (Views) in your Storyboard ViewController interface. Select ViewController (In storyboard) and open connection inspector. There is option ‘Outlet Collections’ in connection inspector (You will see an array of outlets there)
What is the difference between IBAction and IBOutlet?
An IBOutlet is for hooking up a property to a view when designing your XIB. An IBAction is for hooking a method (action) up to a view when designing your XIB. An IBOutlet lets you reference the view from your controller code.
How do I connect to IBOutlet?
Select the view on the storyboard and then click the Connections Inspector. Then you can click the little x to remove an outlet reference.
Which is better storyboard or xib?
Using Storyboard would be a better option as far as memory utilisation is concerned although storyboards have other advantages also over xib files, Apple also recommends using storyboard over xib files.
Why IBOutlets are forced unwrapped?
The reason many developers are not fond of optionals is because you cannot directly access the value of an optional. To safely access the value of an optional, you need to unwrap it. Optional binding is a construct that lets you safely access the optional’s value.
What is the difference between outlet and Action Swift?
Outlet is used when you want to change some property of control i.e. text color or text size of a label. While Action is used when you want to detect a trigger i.e. when button is pressed.
Should IBOutlet be weak or strong?
The official answer from Apple is that IBOutlets should be strong. The only case when an IBOutlet should be weak is to avoid a retain cycle. A strong reference cycle can result in memory leaks and app crashes.