What is the symbol of under five clinic?

What is the symbol of under five clinic?

Symbol: 1 outer tringle with 4 inner triangles.

What information is found on the under five clinic card?

The card has details about the child’s weight, health history, immunization details etc. We weigh and monitor a child’s progress and give advice where appropriate. Any other vaccines will be supplied by the patient.

Which is the following is an activity of under five clinics?

The under five clinics are clinics that provide comprehensive care for the well as well as ill children.

What is the aim of under five clinic?

®To overall goal of under five clinic is to provide comprehensive health care to young children in a specialized facility. illnesses and ailments of growth and development at these clinic. Nurse can play an important role in taking care of sick children. ® This is one of the most important function of the clinic.

What is the importance of under five children’s clinic?

Under Fives’ Clinics, also popularly known as Growth and Development Clinics, are an important part of all comprehensive health care programmes. They permit not only delivery of health care to the most precious section of human community but also allow education of the parents in the matter of their children’s health.

What is the importance of under-five clinic?

Why is child clinic important?

A children’s clinic functions just like an adult clinic but with the added benefit of having doctors who focus particularly on the field of children’s medicine. They have studied illnesses as they pertain to children in order to provide better care to young kids.

Why is it important to take a child for under-five clinic?

Information from health centres and other sources suggests low attendance of under-five clinics by mothers and fathers in certain localities, therefore making the babies more vulnerable to many preventable and life-threatening diseases.