What is the another word for words?

What is the another word for words?

What is another word for words?

conversation dialogUS
communicating consultation
intercommunication exchanging information
correspondence corresponding
speech argumentation

What is the other words for hiking?


  • ambling,
  • perambulating,
  • rambling,
  • sauntering,
  • strolling,
  • tramping,
  • tromping.

What is the synonym of deserted?

adj.abandoned, unoccupied.

What is Hill walk?

The term hillwalking broadly describes the activity of walking in hills and mountains. It’s generally a British term, more commonly known as hiking in other countries.

Is desolate a synonym of deserted?

deprived or destitute of inhabitants; deserted; uninhabited. solitary; lonely: a desolate life. having the feeling of being abandoned by friends or by hope; forlorn.

What is a deserted place?

If a place is deserted, there are no people in it: a deserted building/street. The coastal resorts are deserted in the winter.

What is the synonym of the word tidy?

smart, spruce, dapper, trim, neat, well groomed, well turned out. organized, well organized, methodical, systematic, efficient, meticulous. fastidious. informal natty.

How do I find good synonyms?

Here’s a list of the best synonym websites online.

  1. Thesaurus.com. This site is one of the best sites for synonyms.
  2. Synonym.com. This site can help you find similar words online without a hassle.
  3. Synonyms.com.
  4. Synonym Finder.
  5. Merriam-Webster Thesaurus.
  6. Big Huge Thesaurus.
  7. The Free Thesaurus.
  8. Collins Dictionary.

What’s a word for trying new things?

Some common synonyms of try are attempt, endeavor, essay, and strive. While all these words mean “to make an effort to accomplish an end,” try is often close to attempt but may stress effort or experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something.

What fell walking?

Meaning of fell walking in English the activity of walking in hills and high land, especially in northwest England: Fell walking in bad weather is difficult and at times dangerous. She lists her interests as reading, travel, and fell-walking.

What is desolate place?

1 : devoid of inhabitants and visitors : deserted a desolate abandoned town. 2 : joyless, disconsolate, and sorrowful through or as if through separation from a loved one a desolate widow. 3a : showing the effects of abandonment and neglect : dilapidated a desolate old house. b : barren, lifeless a desolate landscape.