What should I do if my BP is 130 90?

What should I do if my BP is 130 90?

130/90/ not bad… You need to fallow strict diet and exercise to prevent future hypertension…. eat food rich in proteins and fibres like egg white boiled chicken vegetables fruits pulses, avoid carbohydrate rich foods like rice curds oily foods sweets ghee and other junk food.

Do I need medication if my BP is 130 90?

120 to 129/less than 80 (Elevated): You probably don’t need medication. 130/80 to 139/89 (stage 1 hypertension): You might need medication. 140/90 or higher (stage 2 hypertension): You probably need medication.

What should I do if my blood pressure is 135 90?

Generally, normal blood pressure is less than 140/90 when it’s taken in a doctor’s office. If you monitor your blood pressure at home, normal is a little lower at 135/85. Visiting a doctor may be a bit stressful for some people, and stress can sometimes raise blood pressure.

Is 131 over 90 a good blood pressure?

high blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher (or 150/90mmHg or higher if you’re over the age of 80) ideal blood pressure is usually considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

Is BP 130 normal?

Normal blood pressure is set at 120/80 for adults. A blood pressure of 130/80 is considered stage 1 high blood pressure. When your blood pressure is frequently at this level or higher, you may have hypertension.

Does 130 90 require medication?

Does 135 90 require medication?

What is good blood pressure by age?

Normal Blood Pressure By Age

Male 51-55 125.5
56-60 129.5
61-65 143.5
Female 21-25 115.5

How can I get my diastolic pressure down?

Follow the 20 tips below to help lower your overall blood pressure, including diastolic blood pressure.

  1. Focus on heart-healthy foods.
  2. Limit saturated and trans fats.
  3. Reduce sodium in your diet.
  4. Eat more potassium.
  5. Lay off the caffeine.
  6. Cut back on alcohol.
  7. Ditch sugar.
  8. Switch to dark chocolate.

Is banana good for blood pressure?

You’ve heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But you might not know that a banana a day keeps high blood pressure at bay. This fruit is packed full of potassium — an important blood pressure-lowering mineral. Potassium helps balance sodium in the body.

How bad is 140/90 blood pressure?

It is a little high. Hypertension is considered to be present when a person’s systolic blood pressure is consistently 140 mmHg or greater, and/or their diastolic blood pressure is consistently 90 mmHg or greater. While elevated blood pressure alone is not an illness, it often requires treatment due to its effects on many organs.

Is 138/90 good blood pressure or high blood pressure?

Systolic reading of 138 is in the Prehypertension range. Diastolic reading of 90 is in the High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 1 range. Therefore, 138/90 is High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 1.

Is 150 over 90 a good blood pressure?

Your blood pressure reading of 150/90 indicates Hypertension Stage 1. It is the lowest form of high blood pressure. A blood pressure on hypertension stage 1 for a longer period of time is not healthy, because it already means that your heart has a hard time supplying your body, your vessels and organs with blood.

What number considered high blood pressure?

There is a need to investigate effective ways of decreasing excessive blood pressure in this age group. The study aim was to determine the effect of 10-weeks High-Intensive Interval Each class was coded with the number from 1 to 6.