Is be fruitful and multiply in the Torah?

Is be fruitful and multiply in the Torah?

For example, Richard Friedman in his Commentary on the Torah (2001) claims that the mandate “be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth” has “been fulfilled.” The mandate is elaborated upon in numerous parts of the Talmud, for example in Kidushin.

What does the Torah say about procreation?

Laws and Biblical sources According to medieval Rabbinical enumerations of the 613 commandments, the commandment to procreate (Genesis 1:28) is the first mitzvah in the Torah. This commandment was understood by the rabbis to be only binding on men; women are exempt.

What does being fruitful, and multiply mean?

There’s a famous line from the Bible: “Be fruitful and multiply.” That gives you a pretty good sense of the word: fruitful activity multiplies or adds to what’s already there, producing more of something. A couple is fruitful if they have children: the more children, the more fruitful.

What is the first verse of the Torah?

The first time the word is found in the Torah, the Torah states that after creating light or energy, “vayar Elokim ki tov, God saw it was good.” (Genesis 1:4) Obviously an anthropomorphism. Still as God saw, so do we have the power to see. On a deeper level, re’eh means to see in the sense of empathizing for the other.

What does be fruitful and multiply mean in Hebrew?

The first part of the creation mandate commands us to “be fruitful and multiply.” In other words, God wants families to grow. He wants more people to share in his fellowship. The Bible does not instruct married couples on how many children to have, but it does state that children are a blessing.

What is God’s mandate for us?

Micah 6:1-8 and in Psalm 15 show us that doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God is divinely mandated. Jesus’ words in the Beatitudes show that God’s aim by the Divine Mandate is to produce character in us that has eternal meaning and content.

What does Be fruitful, and multiply mean in Hebrew?

What is the last line in the Bible?

“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

What does God want us to multiply?

What are the three mandates of God?

They include the cultural mandate, including marriage and procreation (Gen 1:28), the labour mandate (Gen 2:15), and the Sabbath (Gen 2:3).

When did God say be fruitful and multiply?

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Do Jews get vasectomies?

Jewish law does not permit a vasectomy as a permissible birth control intervention as it is an act of sterilization which is proscribed by the Torah (see Leviticus 22:24 which the rabbis of the Talmud understand as proscribing the sterilization of both animals and people).

Do Orthodox Jews allow birth control?

Contraception is permitted if childbearing would endanger a woman’s life or health. Termination of pregnancy is also permitted to preserve a woman’s health, including her mental health. During childbirth the health of the mother is primary and supercedes all other rules or laws, including those of Sabbath observance.