How much is a hotot Bunny?

How much is a hotot Bunny?

How Much Do Blanc de Hotot Rabbits Cost? Because the Blanc de Hotot is a threatened species of rabbit, you should expect to pay more for one in comparison to the more common rabbits. At the time of this writing, these rabbits were available for $50 and up to $150.

Are Dwarf Hotot rabbits friendly?

The Dwarf Hotot is strictly a fancy breed. At 3 pounds max, they are too small to be of commercial value. Temperaments can range from outgoing to moody, but as a rule they are friendly rabbits and well suited to a pet life.

How big does a Dwarf Hotot bunny get?

between 2.5 to 3.5 lbs
The Dwarf Hotot is a small-sized rabbit that weighs between 2.5 to 3.5 lbs when fully grown. This breed is known for its white coat and contrasting black eye markings. The Dwarf Hotot has a compact body with a short neck and round head.

Do Dwarf Hotots like to be held?

They have engaging personalities, and enjoy spending time with their owners. Dwarf Hotots are more sociable, and better with being handled, than some of the other dwarf breeds, such as the Mini Rex. As a breed that is less active than some others, they will enjoy snuggling up on the sofa with you.

Are Dwarf Hotot rabbits rare?

General Description. Like the Blanc de Hotot, it is rare to see many Dwarf Hotots today. While dedicated enthusiasts have worked hard to keep the breed alive, they’ve never gained the popularity of other, similar breeds.

How long do Dwarf Hotot bunnies live?

7 to 10 years
The Dwarf Hotot is a tiny, compact dwarf breed that weighs no more than 2.25 to 3.5 pounds when fully grown. The average lifespan of a Dwarf Hotot is 7 to 10 years, but its small size can allow it to live well into its teenage years.

How long does a Dwarf Hotot rabbit live?

How long does a Dwarf Hotot live?

What is the best dwarf bunny to get?

Top 10 Dwarf Rabbit Breeds – With Pictures

  • Mini Lop rabbit.
  • Netherland Dwarf rabbit or Dutch Dwarf rabbit.
  • Columbia Basin pygmy Rabbit.
  • Mini English Angora rabbit.
  • Jersey Wooly rabbit.
  • Holland Lop.
  • Britannia Petite rabbit.
  • Lionhead rabbit.

How big is a hotot rabbit?

The Blanc de Hotot is a large rabbit with bucks weighing 8 to 10 pounds and mature does 9 to 11 pounds. They are an active, hardy breed and are easily raised in all wire cages. They are fairly good mothers, have good-size litters, and the young grow rather fast.