What is ResultSet return value?

What is ResultSet return value?

Return value This method returns a boolean value specifying whether the ResultSet object contains more rows. If there are no rows next to its current position this method returns false, else it returns true. Using this method in the while loop you can iterate the contents of the result set.

What is ResultSet explain with example?

ResultSet interface represents the result set of a database query. A ResultSet object maintains a cursor that points to the current row in the result set. The term “result set” refers to the row and column data contained in a ResultSet object.

How do you find the values of a ResultSet?

The “check for any results” call ResultSet. next() moves the cursor to the first row, so use the do {…} while() syntax to process that row while continuing to process remaining rows returned by the loop. This way you get to check for any results, while at the same time also processing any results returned.

What is Rs getString 1?

getString(1); float n = rs. getFloat(2); The first line of code gets the value in the first column of the current row of rs (column COF_NAME ), converts it to a Java String object, and assigns it to s .

How do you size a ResultSet?

Simply iterate on ResultSet object and increment rowCount to obtain size of ResultSet object in java. rowCount = rs. getRow();

What is the return type of ResultSet?

A ResultSet object is automatically closed when the Statement object that generated it is closed, re-executed, or used to retrieve the next result from a sequence of multiple results. The number, types and properties of a ResultSet object’s columns are provided by the ResultSetMetaData object returned by the ResultSet.

What is use of getString () method?

The GetString method returns the specified Recordset as a string. This method can be used to fill HTML tables in ASP files.

What is fetch size in Oracle?

Fetch Size. By default, when Oracle JDBC runs a query, it retrieves a result set of 10 rows at a time from the database cursor. This is the default Oracle row fetch size value. You can change the number of rows retrieved with each trip to the database cursor by changing the row fetch size value.

Why do we use result sets?

A ResultSet is a Java object that contains the results of executing an SQL query. In other words, it contains the rows that satisfy the conditions of the query. The data stored in a ResultSet object is retrieved through a set of get methods that allows access to the various columns of the current row. The ResultSet.

What is getString in C#?

GetString(Byte*, Int32) When overridden in a derived class, decodes a specified number of bytes starting at a specified address into a string. public: System::String ^ GetString(System::Byte* bytes, int byteCount); C# Copy.

How can I improve my fetch performance set results?

You can change default fetch size by setting connection property “defaultRowPrefetch”. By default it retrieves all the rows from database unless you specify cursor type in the JDBC driver. Like MySQL you can observe SQL Server JDBC performance is better than Oracle. Seems the default fetch size is 32.

What is the difference between createStatement and PreparedStatement?

createStatement() creates a Statement Object based on a fully qualified SQL String without parameters. prepareStatement() creates a PreparedStatement Object out of a parameterized SQL String. The use of prepareState has some additional overhead in the database the first time it is run.

How can I speed up my database?

Tips to Increase Database Performance

  1. Tip 1: Optimize Queries.
  2. Tip 2: Improve Indexes.
  3. Tip 3: Defragment Data.
  4. Tip 4: Increase Memory.
  5. Tip 5: Strengthen CPU.
  6. Tip 6: Review Access.
  7. SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer (DPA)
  8. SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor (DPM)