What is on the Oregon Cultural Trust license plate?

What is on the Oregon Cultural Trust license plate?

From a distance, the “Celebrate Oregon!” Cultural Trust license plate is a vibrant tapestry of Oregon geography. Look closer, and symbols – 127 in all – tell the story of the history, heritage and cultural practices that make our state unique.

How do I find out if a personalized license plate is available in Oregon?

Additional Information: For more information on obtaining a personalized vanity license plate in Oregon, visit the Oregon Personalized Plates website, go to any Oregon DMV office or call (541) 388-6322 .

What does SB mean on Oregon license plates?

Smokey Bear
07.09.2019. The Keep Oregon Green Association Smokey Bear vehicle license plate will be available for Oregon passenger vehicles starting Aug. 1.

How much is the Oregon Cultural Trust license plate?

Cultural Trust plate has a surcharge at original issuance and at each registration renewal. For original issuance the surcharge is $50.00. In addition, there is a $50.00 surcharge at each subsequent renewal.

What is the new Oregon license plate?

The latest addition is a new ‘Watch for Wildife’ license plate that will benefit the Oregon Wildlife Foundation. Ordering this plate will contribute to the Oregon Wildlife Foundation and set you back an additional $40 donation when DMV issues, renews or replaces the plates.

Is it illegal to not have a front license plate in Oregon?

Oregon state law already requires drivers to display license plates on the front and back of vehicles. Motorcycles are exempt from the laws because they are issued only one plate.

What does SL mean on Oregon plates?

Those plates support the Oregon Tourism Commission. We count the Oregon Salmon plate at number eight. The five-digit plates, which start with “SL” include a one-time donation to the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board and the Parks and Recreation Department fund.

How many different Oregon license plates are there?

50 different license plates
Depending upon your hobby, your interests, your job, your military service and your willingness to pay a fee, there’s about 50 different license plates available to you.

Is it illegal in Oregon to not have a front license plate?

Can I put my front license plate on my dash in Oregon?

Oregon Revised Statute 803.540 requires that the plates must be displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle. This has been further litigated in the courts to mean the plates must be placed on the front and rear bumpers of the vehicle and not in the front and rear windows.

What does F plate mean?

Commercial vehicles and special use vehicles
Commercial vehicles and special use vehicles – F licence plate. This table scroll horizontaly. Type of plate. Description and use. Vehicle used mainly for commercial or professional purposes by a self-employed worker, a business or a natural person.

What does R plate mean?

Restricted drivers
Restricted drivers The maximum permitted speed for a motor car or category A1 motorcycle displaying R plates is 45 mph (72km/h), whether or not the vehicle is being driven by a restricted driver.

What does DA mean on a license plate?


Can you put your front license plate in your windshield in Oregon?