Can you splice antenna?

Can you splice antenna?

Yes – you cut it apart and put on connectors on both the cut ends – and attach them to together with an adapter.

What is a twinlead J-pole antenna used for?

In an emergency situation, it is often necessary to squeeze every bit of performance possible out of a 2 meter HT. One way to do that is to replace that little rubber duck antenna with the ever-popular Twinlead J-Pole. This simple antenna lends itself well to emergency use or as a portable antenna for hotel room operations while traveling.

Is the twinlead J-pole the best option for a 2 meter HT?

Craig LaBarge, WB3GCK In an emergency situation, it is often necessary to squeeze every bit of performance possible out of a 2 meter HT. One way to do that is to replace that little rubber duck antenna with the ever-popular Twinlead J-Pole.

What kind of antenna is a 300 ohm TV twin lead?

A short article describing the construction of an emergency j-pole antenna made from 300 ohm TV twin lead. The Twinlead J-Pole Craig LaBarge, WB3GCK

How do you set up a J-pole antenna?

The 2-meter roll-up J-pole is lightweight (approx. 3 ounces), compact and effective! The antenna can be set up quickly and easily by hanging out a window, attach to a ceiling, or toss a lead sinker over a tree branch with kite string and hoist it up. Slide it inside PVC pipe for rigid vertical installation (retuning required).

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