Can you stay on the Montebello Islands?

Can you stay on the Montebello Islands?

Visitors may only camp on Primrose, Bluebell, Crocus, Hermite and Renewal Islands throughout the year, and on Northwest Island from April-September (due to turtle nesting/hatching season from October–March).

Can you visit Montebello Islands?

The only way to access the Montebello Islands is by boat, with fishing charters operating from Karratha. Atomic tests were carried out at the Montebellos in 1952 and 1956. Due to slightly elevated radiation levels on Trimouille and Alpha Islands, visitors should restrict their visits to one hour per day.

Where are the Montebellos?

Western Australia
There are more than 260 islands and islets in the Montebellos, which lie about 120 kilometres off the coast of Dampier in north-west Western Australia. They are only accessible by boat and are rich in natural marine diversity and human history. They are also the site of British nuclear testing in the 1950s.

Can you camp on the Montebello Islands?

Camping is permitted (except during turtle nesting season from October-April) on Northwest, Primrose, Bluebell, Crocus, Hermite and Renewal islands, to 100 metres inland of the high-water mark, and for no longer than five nights. Select a site that has been used before.

How far offshore are the Montebello Islands?

The islands are located about 130kms off the Pilbara coast and around 20kms north of Barrow Island.

Who owns Montebello Islands?

the Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation
The islands form a marine conservation reserve of 58,331 ha (144,139 acres) administered by the Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation. The islands were the site of three British atmospheric nuclear weapons tests in 1952 and 1956.

Is maralinga near Woomera?

Maralinga is part of the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA), colloquially known as the Woomera Rocket Range, which was established as a restricted access area in 1947. Maralinga is a Yolngu name for thunder.

What is the meaning of Montebello?

beautiful hills
This area was named Montebello, meaning beautiful hills in Italian, at the suggestion of a gentleman named William Mulholland. On October 16, 1920, Montebello was incorporated as the 35th of the present cities in Los Angeles County.

Where is the Fortescue River?

The Fortescue River is an ephemeral river in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. It is the third longest river in the state.

What is the state of Gascoyne River?

Gascoyne River

State Western Australia
Region Gascoyne
City Carnarvon
Physical characteristics

How far is Karratha from Montebello?

125km W Karratha. The Montebello Islands Marine Park, with its natural land and seascapes, barrier and fringing coral reefs, wide variety of wildlife and rich maritime heritage, appeals to divers, snorkellers, fishers and sea kayakers.

What are the Montebello Islands famous for?

The Montebello Islands, with their natural land and seascapes, barrier and fringing coral reefs, wide variety of wildlife and rich maritime heritage, appeal to divers, snorkellers, fishers and sea kayakers. Three British atomic weapons tests were carried out at the Montebello Islands in 1952 and 1956.

Why the Montebello Islands Marine Park?

The Montebello Islands Marine Park, with its natural land and seascapes, barrier and fringing coral reefs, wide variety of wildlife and rich maritime heritage, appeals to divers, snorkellers, fishers and sea kayakers. Camping.

How do I get to the Montebello Islands?

The Montebello Islands are offshore and relatively remote. Navigation to the islands should only be attempted in favourable weather conditions and in suitably sized and equipped vessels.

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