Can you walk with a femoral stress fracture?

Can you walk with a femoral stress fracture?

Femoral stress fractures take several months to fully heal. If the pain is manageable and you can walk without too much discomfort, start with at-home treatment. Stop any moderate activity and repetitive, stressful exercises (running, squatting, cycling).

Is the femoral condyle a bone?

The knee joint is made up of three bone surfaces: The femur (thigh bone), with the knee end of the femur forming two cartilage-covered compartments known as the femoral condyles. Tibia (shin bone)

Is the lateral femoral condyle weight-bearing?

Most cases of osteochondral injury occur in the anterior region, which is the non-weight-bearing portion of the lateral femoral condyle. We describe two patients with osteochondral injury of the weight-bearing surface of the lateral femoral condyle associated with lateral dislocation of the patella.

Is the femoral condyle part of the knee?

There are two femoral condyles. The medial femoral condyle is located on the inside part of the knee whereas the lateral femoral condyle, which is bigger, is located on the outside part of the knee.

What are 4 signs of a stress fracture?

What are the symptoms of a stress fracture?

  • Pain, swelling or aching at the site of fracture.
  • Tenderness or “pinpoint pain” when touched on the bone.
  • Pain that begins after starting an activity and then resolves with rest.
  • Pain that’s present throughout the activity and does not go away after the activity has ended.

How painful is a femoral stress fracture?

A stress fracture of the shaft of the femur is characterised by a dull ache felt in the front of the thigh that will develop over a period of weeks. The pain is often hard to localise and may even be felt in the knee.

What are the different treatments for a condyle fracture?

A period of MMF

  • Functional therapy (immediate function with elastics)
  • A combination of the above
  • What are the complications of a femur fracture?

    Some of the common complications include, Nonunion of the fracture can lead to deformities and affect the gait of the individual. Thromboembolism (formation of a clot in vessel) is one of the most severe complications of femur fracture and can lead to sudden death. Infection is another common complication associated with the fracture of femur.

    How to treat femoral neck fracture?

    Surgery is the most common treatment for a femoral neck fracture, though conservative treatment could be warranted in high-risk cases or less-severe stress fractures. This could include resting the joint, keeping weight off the hip with crutches, pain management, and physical therapy after the bone has healed.

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