[counter-critique] THE WOLF OF WALL STREET

Editor’s NOTE : You can read a negative criticism of the film at this address.

The world of finance and the film share an intimate relationship. The one and the other are inspired. The first breath of the scenarios in the second that creates the impossible figures of young brokers (in addition to that they do not live on the same plane of reality, Fabrice Tourre and Gordon Gekko do not appear to they not be parents ?). In the history of cinema, we find so many examples trying to discover the secret of this world is so opaque to the chatter : Wall street by Oliver Stone, of course, the excellent Margin call , J. C. Chandor, My share of the pie by Cédric Klapisch and for the film buffs among us, the awesome armchair for two of John Landis. Except that here, Martin Scorsese officiating.

Although THE WOLF OF WALL STREET is the project of Leonardo DiCaprio (purchase of book rights, producer, main actor …), the american filmmaker manages to provide its uniqueness. What is it ? Its staging (ex : in a plan-sequence, the camera passes a glass desk to the other, from the FBI to the brokers, guided by the protagonist monologue gaze-camera), his use of music, his direction of the actors, their dialogues to the sinusoidal voltage, … he Is criticized often for its lack of recoil, including its films devoted to the mafia, a fascination that verges on the moral blind spot. Scorsese is especially passionate about cinema. His films, like those of Spielberg, for example, breathe in the ecstasy of their maker. This quenching of the filmmakers evoke such energy in their films that they are worth a look.

A film exciting made by a filmmaker excited.

Since the crisis, the cinema was trying to seriously and heavily bring elements of response or analysis. One of the best achievements, Margin Call, was in charge of high finance, the one that gives the the not only Wall street but also, by consequence, of the global economy. This finance-where a group of successful individuals, geniuses, not without a certain superego citizen. Here, in the Wolf, we follow a moron who will only reinforce their idiocy over the film. The brokers are young people ” who want “, rather less brilliant than the average, simply contortionists of ethics. Initially, Jordan Belfort, since it is from him that it is, is not unpleasant, ambitious and naïve, it will quickly the finger in a machine abêtir. The narration and the mise en scene shows systematically the animalisation of this social environment. Good number of scenes that aim to be cults (this is also a limitation of the achievement of Scorsese), among which are those where Jordan harangue his pack, where it galvanizes the troop(to)s bellowing with faces made of rage, pride and stupidity. The characters are admittedly painted in broad strokes, but the film has a great visual strength.

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET is a film exciting made by a filmmaker excited. With its realization, cotton candy, Jordan Belfort fascinates us as much as we despise. Scorsese would have been able to do more, short, but fortunately the cinema is always done for these filmmakers ecstatic. The film is full of faults, but we will be stimulated and entertained without ever taking themselves too seriously. We will remember the time when the young wolf is now the head of the pack during a scene anthological with Matthew McConaughey.



Money. The power. Women. The drug. The temptations were there at hand, and the authorities had no control. In the eyes of Jordan and his wolf pack, modesty had become completely useless. Too much was never enough…

Original title : The Wolf of Wall Street

Achievement : Martin Scorsese

Screenplay : Terence Winter (based on the memoirs of Jordan Belfort)

Main actors : Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey

Country of origin : United States

Output : 25 December 2013

Duration : 2h59min

Distributor : Metropolitan FilmExport

Trailer :

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