[critical] Star Trek Into Darkness

Then he returns to his base, the crew of the Enterprise must make in the face of the terrorist forces of unrelenting within his organization. The enemy has detonated the fleet and everything it represented, plunging our world into chaos…

In a world of war, Captain Kirk, animated by revenge, embarks on a real man hunt, to neutralize that which represents, in itself, a weapon of mass destruction.

Our heroes are in a game of chess mortal. Love is threatened, friendships will be broken and sacrifices will have to be made in the only family remaining to Kirk : his team.

Author’s Note


Release Date : June 12, 2013

Directed by J. J. Abrams

Film american

With Chris Pine, Benedict Cumberbatch, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, Alice Eve, Karl Urban, Peter Weller, John Cho, Anton Yelchin

Duration : 2h13min

Original title : Star Trek Into Darkness

Trailer :

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Four years after, J. J. Abrams revives the crew of the USS Enterprise and the saga Star Trek, which is approaching slowly but surely to its fiftieth anniversary, the original series dating back to 1966. Some fans have cried scandal at the time, other engineering, but it is clear that the franchise is a little more open to the general public through this reboot more or less admitted to it. Here we find the cast of the previous album in its entirety with a duo main Chris Pine / Zachary Quinto, whose relationships deepen, a little to the detriment of most of the other characters, even if Zoë Saldaña and Simon Pegg also derive their pin of the game in their respective roles of Uhura and Scotty.

In addition, the excellent surprise at the level of actors, it is Benedict Cumberbatch, known for his interpretation of Sherlock in the recent BBC series, but also appeared recently in The Taupe and War Horse, where he did nothing wrong either. Here, he excels in his role of John Harrison as the fans of the first hour will be able to recognize it fairly quickly. The contribution of this actor as well as Peter Weller (known for his interpretation of Robocop) in the casting gives weight to the interpretation sometimes simplistic or cabot of the crew of the USS Enterprise.

Aficionados of the universe will have both the pleasure of seeing many references to the universe of Trek (at the very least that the sounds emitted by the spaceship) and the disappointment of a simplification some of the universe and its concepts (some of the alien races are rather caricatured). But if the scenario is fairly predictable, there are enough well-constructed and fast-paced to make this Star Trek Into Darkness a great blockbuster relatively all public (it’s still SF all the same). The humor and especially self-mockery are again present in the film particularly in the relationship between the members of the crew of the USS Enterprise and the action is hectic. Yes, I repeat : a Star Trek where the action is hectic (it is for those who have remained on the image of a series a bit too talky), and without really lengths to my taste, with the possible exception of the introduction of the plot post-generic.

A wonderful example of the adage saying that a good villain makes a good story !

Visually, if we except a 3D added in post-production really of little use and the abuse of some by J. J. Abrams of his famous flares, the film is splendid ! The special effects are very good, the ships are majestic and you can bet on the realism of this universe and of the strange beings that populate it sometimes. Similarly, the scenes of battles whether they are galactic or body are very well orchestrated. An excellent job of staging and editing is also a credit to J. J. Abrams with plans sometimes ingenious and often inspired by the cinema of the 80’s, including Steven Spielberg (some lawsuits are in particular thinking of Indiana Jones).

We déplorera here and there a few imperfections, and some fans fundamentalists will address the lack of depth of the scenario to the benefit of a better show. For me, Star Trek Into Darkness is both a blockbuster of quality, and a beautiful tribute to license. In addition, it is also a wonderful example of the adage saying that a good villain makes a good story : it is far from the little charismatic Eric Bana tattooed the previous film of the saga !

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