[critical] The Cabinet Of Doctor Caligari – 1919 (vost)

In a carnival, a mysterious doctor predicted a tragic future of a young student…

Release Date : march 15, 1922

Directed by Robert Wiene

Movie German

With Werner Krauss, Conrad Veidt, Rudolf Lettinger

Length : 1h 16min

Original title : Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari

Today, always in association with MrDomainePublic, the Blog Of The Film offers you to (re)discover the cult film of Robert Wiene, The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari.

And as always, here’s a little anecdote on this legendary film :

* For the sets of Igor (2007), director Anthony Leondis said to have been influenced by German expressionism, particularly the films The Cabinet of dr. Caligari by Robert Wiene and Metropolis by Fritz Lang, as well as by the universe of the Frankenstein of James Whale.

Good and nice projection !

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