Hadopi Law : When the cinema gets in the way

Here is the presentation of a blog of artists for an alternative to the all-repressive…

A forum by which the movement challenging the world of cinema against the law Hadopi has initiated. It is a first step in the fight for a system that is more fair and takes into account the interests of all : the battle is just beginning.

Are present, among others, Chantal Akerman, Christophe Honoré, Jean-Pierre Limosin, Zina Modiano, Gaël Morel, Victoria Abril, Catherine Deneuve, Louis Garrel, Yann Gonzalez, Clotilde Hesme, Chiara Mastroianni, Agathe Berman and Paulo Branco.

The blog : pourlecinema.over-blog.fr

As a reminder, the Parliament voted against the text Creation and the Internet, the famous law Hadopi defended by the Minister of Culture and Communication, Christine Albanel. A little more information on the Wikipedia page : fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loi_Hadopi

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