How accurate is Chinese gender chart?

How accurate is Chinese gender chart?

The Chinese birth calendar claims 93-99% accuracy in predicting infant gender based on month of conception and maternal age at delivery. In this large delivery dataset, accurate prediction of fetal gender based on the Chinese birth calendar was no better than a coin toss.

How do you use a Chinese gender chart?

To use the chart, you need only two pieces of information — the lunar month and the lunar age of the mother when the baby is conceived. There is no proof that the Chinese birth gender chart is accurate, but some people swear by it, and most people use it just for fun.

What is the Chinese gender predictor?

How does the Chinese Gender Predictor work? Our Chinese gender predictor tool predicts your baby’s gender by calculating the lunar date when you conceived and your estimated lunar due date.

How do I calculate my lunar age by gender?

Using the Chinese Lunar Calendar to Predict A Baby’s Gender

  1. Add 1 to your age at conception.
  2. Put your conception date (or as close as you can) into a Chinese-Gregorian calendar converter to determine the month number in which your baby was conceived.
  3. Consult the chart.

How do I follow a Chinese pregnancy calendar?

Was the Chinese Gender Chart accurate for You?

Some claim that using a Chinese gender calendar can be up to 93 percent accurate in predicting your baby’s sex. And because it’s based on your age and the month you conceived, you can consult the chart at any point during your pregnancy.

How accurate is the Chinese gender predictor?

Some claim that using a Chinese gender calendar can be up to 93 percent accurate in predicting your baby’s sex. And because it’s based on your age and the month you conceived, you can consult the chart at any point during your pregnancy.

What is the gender ratio of China?

While birth gender ratios globally are 100:105 female to male, the current ratio in China is 100 to 118. Roughly 30 million more men than women will become adults and enter the mating market by 2020.

Does the Chinese Gender Chart work?

Lots of pregnant moms-to-be say the Chinese gender predictor chart is the best non-medical test for telling you whether you’re having a baby boy or girl. But how accurate are they, really? Some claim that using a Chinese gender calendar can be up to 93 percent accurate in predicting your baby’s sex.

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