How bad is a Letter of counseling?
A Letter of Counseling is merely the recording of an infraction. It’s a formal way of describing an unacceptable behavior so that the receiver cannot fail to understand it. Often, Airmen don’t realize or understand the seriousness of their behavior.
Whats worse LOC or LOR?
A reprimand is more severe than an admonishment and indicates a higher degree of official censure. An LOC is less severe than both and LOA and an LOR. An LOC is also known as a Record of Individual Counseling when it is put on an official AF IMT 174.
How bad is an LOR in the Air Force?
A Letter of Reprimand is more severe than a Letter of Admonition or Letter of Counseling. The Letter of Counseling is just that -counseling -to clear up any misunderstanding. If the person receiving the LOR is in obvious violation of some standard, then an LOC is not necessary or appropriate.
Is a letter of counseling discipline?
Note: The Letter of Counseling is not discipline. Consult with your appropriate HR representative or Employee Relations.
How do you present a letter of counseling?
Explain that you’re not taking sides, but that it’s your duty, because of your rank or position, to document workcenter issues and facilitate a solution. Allow him or her to give you their side of the story and listen. Most people, if they’re reasonable, will understand your position and cooperate.
How does a UIF affect me?
Definition: The UIF is an official record of unfavorable information about an individual. These records are generally kept by the squadron. It documents administrative, judicial, or nonjudicial censures concerning the member’s performance, responsibility, behavior and so on.
What is an Air Force UIF?
UNFAVORABLE INFORMATION FILE (UIF): a. Definition: The UIF is an official record of unfavorable information about an individual. These records are generally kept by the squadron. It documents administrative, judicial, or nonjudicial censures concerning the member’s performance, responsibility, behavior and so on.
What AFI covers professional and unprofessional relationships?
AFI 36-2909 governs professional and unprofessional relationships. Unprofessional relationships are those which simply create the appearance of favoritism, involve the misuse of office or position, or lead to the abandonment of organizational goals for personal interests.
What is an AFI procedure?
Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) An ultrasound procedure used to asses the amount of amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid index is measured by dividing the uterus into four imaginary quadrants (Figure 1). The linea nigra is used to divide the uterus into right and left halves.The umbilicus serves as the dividing point for the upper and lower halves.
What is the Air Force officer program?
Air Force Officer Training School. Officer Training School (OTS) is a United States Air Force commissioning program located at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery , Alabama. It is the current de facto officer candidate school (OCS) program for the U.S. Air Force, analogous to the OCS programs operated by the other branches of the U.S. armed forces.
What is Air Force form?
The term “air force” may also refer to a tactical air force or numbered air force, which is an operational formation either within a national air force or comprising several air components from allied nations. Air forces typically consist of a combination of fighters, bombers, helicopters, transport planes and other aircraft.