How do I get the current category name in WordPress?

How do I get the current category name in WordPress?

You can do this with the help of get_cat_ID function() function. $category_id = get_cat_ID( ‘Category Name’ ); Here you can get the ID of any category by specifying the name of the category, in place of ‘Category Name’. This ID is then saved inside a variable called $category_id.

How do I show all category names in WordPress?

$args = array( ‘style’ => ‘none’ ); Finally, you can ask WordPress to display a link to all your categories thanks to the option show_option_all . You give a string to this option, and WordPress will display a new link, pointing to all of your categories.

How do you show category content in WordPress?

Adding Category Descriptions in WordPress First, you need to head over to the Posts » Categories page. If you are creating a new category, then you can simply enter the category name and description here and then click on the ‘Add new category’ button.

How do I find the current page category in WordPress?

I have found the way to do it by checking if $cat_id is available or not on that page by the following. $cat_id = get_query_var(‘cat’); Now we can check if $cat_id is available then it is a category page otherwise it is not. is_category();

How do I get the current category slug in WordPress?

Use get_the_category() and then do a print_r() to see what it outputs. It should output an array, and in that case follow the code that pallavi put in the answer.

How do I create a category in WordPress?

To create new categories in WordPress, go to Posts > Categories page. On the left side of the page, you will see a tab that allows you to create categories. Fill in the category name, its slug (will be used in the category URLs), the category description and then press Add New Category.

How do I show tag descriptions in WordPress?

To add a description to a tag, click the “Tags” option under the “Posts” heading of your website’s main menu. Click the “Edit” link under the tag to which you want to add a description, then type the desired text in the “Description” field and click the “Update” button.

What is a category name?

Category names make it easy for people to familiarize themselves with products and brands. They help people make choices and create loyalty. They set expectations about why brands belong. When a category name resonates, it paves the way for brands to develop meaningful connections with people.

How to display the category name and category link in WordPress?

Here are two snippets for displaying the category name and displaying the category link in WordPress. 0 displays the first category, so 1 will display the second category, 2 will display the third category, and so on. The comma ‘, ‘ serves as a separator when the post is included in more than one category.

How to edit category description on archive pages in WordPress?

However if your theme does not display category description on archive pages, then you will need to edit your theme files. Connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client and then go to /wp-content/themes/your-current-theme/ folder. Now you will need to locate and edit category.php file.

How do I get the category ID of a page?

Just place that code in any template file where a category has been queried, such as category archive pages, and you will be able to get the category id no problem. Another fun trick is if you are looking to display future posts in your query.

How do I add category name and description?

If you are creating a new category, then you can simply enter category name and description here and then click on ‘Add new category’ button. If you want to add description to an existing category, then you need to click on the ‘Edit’ link below that category.

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