How do I pass an argument to a function in bash?

How do I pass an argument to a function in bash?

Passing Arguments to Bash Functions To pass any number of arguments to the bash function simply put them right after the function’s name, separated by a space. It is a good practice to double-quote the arguments to avoid the misparsing of an argument with spaces in it. The passed parameters are $1 , $2 , $3 …

Can bash functions take arguments?

Instead, Bash functions work like shell commands and expect arguments to be passed to them in the same way one might pass an option to a shell command (e.g. ls -l ). In effect, function arguments in Bash are treated as positional parameters ( $1, $2.. $9, ${10}, ${11} , and so on).

How do you pass an argument to a shell function?

Function shell variables

  1. All function parameters or arguments can be accessed via $1, $2, $3,…, $N.
  2. $0 always point to the shell script name.
  3. $* or $@ holds all parameters or arguments passed to the function.
  4. $# holds the number of positional parameters passed to the function.

How does a function return a value in bash?

When a bash function ends its return value is its status: zero for success, non-zero for failure. To return values, you can set a global variable with the result, or use command substitution, or you can pass in the name of a variable to use as the result variable.

How do you run a function in a shell script?

You need to define your functions before you call them. Using () : process_install() { echo “Performing process_install() commands, using arguments [${*}]…” } process_exit() { echo “Performing process_exit() commands, using arguments [${*}]…” } You may also wish to check for invalid choices at this juncture…

How do you count the number of arguments in Bash?

You can get the number of arguments from the special parameter $# . Value of 0 means “no arguments”. $# is read-only. When used in conjunction with shift for argument processing, the special parameter $# is decremented each time Bash Builtin shift is executed.

What is $@ Linux?

$@ refers to all of a shell script’s command-line arguments. $1 , $2 , etc., refer to the first command-line argument, the second command-line argument, etc. Place variables in quotes if the values might have spaces in them.

What is bashrc used for in Linux?

bashrc can be used to define functions that reduce redundant efforts. These functions can be a collection of basic commands. These functions can even use arguments from the terminal. Let’s define a function that tells the date in a more descriptive manner. First you’ll need to enter the .bashrc file in editing mode.

What are the arguments of a Bash function?

Function Arguments. Similar to a shell script, bash functions can take arguments. The arguments are accessible inside a function by using the shell positional parameters notation like $1, $2, $#, $@, and so on.

Is it possible to call functions defined in bashrc from the shell?

3 You should be able to call functions defined in the .bashrc from the shell, since it should be sourced by your shell. Is yours not? – Cascabel

How do I define a function in a bash script?

You can define functions in your.bashrc file with your other bash alias. In a shell script, the function can be defined anywhere before being called for execution and you can source your function definitions by using the source or dot command.

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