How do you examine a lump?

How do you examine a lump?

Size: assess the size of the lump. Shape: assess the lump’s borders to determine if they feel regular or irregular. Consistency: determine if the lump feels soft (e.g. cyst), hard (e.g. malignancy) or rubbery (e.g. lymph node). Mobility: assess if the lump feels mobile or is tethered to other local structures.

How do you describe a lump?

Lumps may be described as soft and fluctuant, firm or even ‘stony hard’. Fluctuation indicates a fluid swelling and this is elicited by compression of the swelling with displacement in two planes.

What is a lump in medical terms?

A lump is a protuberance or localized area of swelling that can occur anywhere on the body. Other terms used to describe the various types of lumps include bump, nodule, contusion, tumor and cyst. Lumps can be caused by any number of conditions, including infections, inflammation, tumors or trauma.

How would you examine a swelling or tumor?

A superficial swelling can be readily assessed by following the basic principles of examination. A deeper swelling will, in addition to a thorough physical examination also require specific special imaging techniques e.g. a CAT scan, a MRI scan or an ultrasound scan.

What is movable lump?

Usually, soft moveable lumps aren’t cancerous, but there are exceptions. A moveable lump means that you can easily move it beneath the skin with your fingertips.

Are lumps normal?

Lumps, bumps, or growths under your skin aren’t uncommon. It’s completely normal to have one or more of these throughout your life. A lump can form under your skin for many reasons. Often, lumps are benign (harmless).

What is a mass lump?

According to the National Cancer Institute, a mass is a lump in the body that can be caused by the abnormal growth of cells, a cyst, hormonal changes or an immune reaction. Fortunately, a mass is not always cancer.

What kind of lump should I worry about?

It’s important to talk with your doctor about any lumps that are larger than two inches (about the size of a golf ball), grow larger, or are painful regardless of their location. “Tell your doctor about new lumps or other symptoms that cannot be explained or that don’t go away in a few weeks,” Dr. Shepard says.

What lumps should I worry about?

What do you need to know about neneck lump examination?

Neck lump examination frequently appears in OSCEs and you’ll be expected to pick up the relevant clinical signs using your examination skills. This neck lump examination OSCE guide provides a clear step-by-step approach to assessing a neck lump, with an included video demonstration.

How to spot diagnose a lump with just inspection?

Examination of a lump is a component in almost every surgical clinical examination. Sometimes you may be asked to spot diagnose a lump with just inspection. Given below is a rough guide to the examination of a lump. 1. Site, Size, and Shape (SSS). 2. The skin overlying the lump (Scars, Signs of Inflammation, Punctum). 1.

What is involved in a lump examination?

In a lump examination the inspection, palpation and other manouvres are often done in any order The key is to ensure you have a clear idea of the various characteristics of the lump before presenting your findings

Is there an OSCE guide for neck lump examination?

This neck lump examination OSCE guide provides a clear step-by-step approach to assessing a neck lump, with an included video demonstration. Lumps in the neck are relatively common and although the majority are benign in nature, they can sometimes be the first signs of more sinister pathology (e.g. malignancy).

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