How do you find the equation of a line given the slope and a point?

How do you find the equation of a line given the slope and a point?

These are the two methods to finding the equation of a line when given a point and the slope:

  1. Substitution method = plug in the slope and the (x, y) point values into y = mx + b, then solve for b.
  2. Point-slope form = y − y 1 = m ( x − x 1 ) , where ( x 1 , y 1 ) is the point given and m is the slope given.

What is the equation of a line with a Y intercept of − 3 and a slope of 5?


What is the equation of the line with y intercept?

The equation of any straight line, called a linear equation, can be written as: y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept. The y-intercept of this line is the value of y at the point where the line crosses the y axis.

How do you write an equation of the line with a slope of 2 and y-intercept of 9?


  1. y=mx+c.
  2. where. m=slope/gradient ;c=y intercept.
  3. slope =2.
  4. ⇒y=2x+c.
  5. to find c substitute the known coordinates in.
  6. 9=2×0+c.
  7. 9=0+c.
  8. ∴c=9.

How do you find the equation of a line given the slope m and the point x1 y1 on the line?

The formula y – y1 = m(x – x1) is usually described as the ‘point-slope form’ for the equation of a line.

Which equation of the line has slope 3 and y-intercept?

How do you identify slope and y intercept?

Set up the formula y=mx+b{\\displaystyle y=mx+b}. In the formula, y = the y-coordinate of any point on the line, m = slope, x = the x-coordinate of any point on the line, and b = the y-intercept. y=mx+b{\\displaystyle y=mx+b} is the equation of a line. The y-intercept is the point at which the line crosses the y-axis.

How do you find a slope to an equation?

Find the number in front of the x, usually written as “m,” to determine slope. If your equation is already in the right form, y=mx+b{\\displaystyle y=mx+b}, then simply pick the number in the “m” position (but if there is no number written in front of x then the slope is 1).

How do you turn an equation into slope intercept form?

A slope-intercept form equation is when it is set up y=mx+b. Y = – 3x + 2. In order to go from one form to another, all you have to do is change the order of the given numbers. First you want to move the Ax to the opposite side of the equation, by either adding or subtracting it.

How do you find the slope intercept of a graph?

The slope intercept form of a line is y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. For example, if you know the y-intercept is 3 and the slope is 2, the equation of the line is y=2x+3. To graph: you already know one point on the line, the y-intercept, which is 3.

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