How do you interpret a TAT?

How do you interpret a TAT?

In interpreting the responses of the TAT, the examiners typically focus their attention on one of the three (3) areas: •The content of the stories that the subject tells; •The feeling or the tone of the stories; •The subject’s behavior apart from responses.

How can TAT reveal personality characteristics?

Historically, it has been among the most widely researched, taught, and used of such tests. Its adherents assert that the TAT taps a subject’s unconscious to reveal repressed aspects of personality, motives and needs for achievement, power and intimacy, and problem-solving abilities.

How do you score tat?

Administration and Scoring The TAT cards are given to subjects one at a time with instructions to make up a story for each picture that includes (1) what is happening at the moment, (2) what the characters are thinking and feeling, (3) what led up to the situation, and (4) what the outcome will be.

How do you ace a tat test?

Your story must not be too lengthy and you also cannot afford to write a long story in 3-4 minutes. Generally it should contain 10-15 sentences with a prolog, main body, and conclusion. Keep it simple and smart. Build you vocabulary to cut short the sentences and avoid twisting sentences.

What does the inkblot test reveal?

This test was designed to look for patterns of thought disorder in schizophrenia and has evolved to include other areas, like personality, emotional disorders, and intelligence. The Rorschach has been standardized using the Exner system and is effective in measuring depression, psychosis, and anxiety.

What is the objective of draw a person test?

The purpose of the test is to assist professionals in inferring children’s cognitive developmental levels with little or no influence of other factors such as language barriers or special needs. Any other uses of the test are merely projective and are not endorsed by the first creator.

What does Tat stand for?

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is only meant to be administered in an interpersonal setting. The test consists of 20 different cards containing ambiguous pictures, which are presented to the subject.

What are the standards for the Tat?

There are no formal, normative standards for the TAT. The simplest procedure for studying TAT responses is the inspection technique. Most clinicians interpret the TAT stories informally; repetitive patterns or themes become apparent by reading through a subject’s stories.

How should the results of the Tat be interpreted?

Results: • The results of the TAT must be interpreted in the context of the subject’s personal history, age, sex, level of education, occupation, racial or ethnic identification first language, and other characteristics that may be important. 22. • The results of the Thematic Apperception Test are difficult to generalize.

How many TAT cards should be given to the subject?

The subject sits at the edge of a table or desk next to the examiner. The examiner shows the subject a series of story cards taken from the full set of 31 TAT cards. The usual number of cards shown to the subject is between 10 and 14, although Murray recommended the use of 20 cards, administered in two separate one-hour sessions with the subject.

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