How do you protect an egg with straws and tape?

How do you protect an egg with straws and tape?

Place a jumbo straw next to a small straw piece and wrap a piece of tape around it (I recommend using 2 to 3 pieces of tape per straw). Once that’s done, the pyramid should now look like it has “spikes” protruding from it. Make sure that the egg can still fit in there.

What is the best way to protect an egg in an egg drop?

There are three basic ways to increase the likelihood of safely dropping an egg:

  1. Slow down the descent speed.
  2. Cushion the egg so that something other than the egg itself absorbs the impact of landing.
  3. Orient the egg so that it lands on the strongest part of the shell.

What materials can you use for an egg drop?

Here are some of the items and materials that can be used in the egg drop project:

  • Raw egg.
  • Newspaper.
  • Masking tape.
  • Balloons.
  • Straws.
  • Cardboard.
  • Cotton.
  • Toilet paper.

What can I use for an egg drop project?


  • Raw egg, or other payload that needs protecting.
  • Container, like a cardboard tube, cup, box, etc.
  • External protection materials, like balloons, rubber bands, craft sticks, straws, etc.
  • Internal padding, like fabric, packing materials, paper, etc.
  • Pen or pencil.
  • Paper.
  • Tape.
  • Scissors.

How do you drop an egg without breaking it with paper and tape?

Possibilities include balloons, popcorn, packing peanuts, wads of paper or cereal puffs. Encase the egg in any of these inside a paper or plastic bag, a sock or a stocking. If you have any bubble wrap around the house, wrapping the egg in several layers of bubble wrap should also provide a good cushion.

How do you drop an egg without cracking paper?

Use cereal.

  1. Wrap the egg around with wet paper towels.
  2. Place the egg in one plastic bag and surround it with a puffed rice cereal.
  3. Fill four other small bags with the same cereal but do not put any eggs inside.
  4. Place all the bags inside of a larger resealable bag.

How do you make egg drop design with straw?

First Egg drop design with Straw – Pyramid. The first step is the make a pyramid shape that holds the egg snugly. For this holder, each straw is bent to the appropriate length, so the egg can staying in it without moving. Then tape or glue the full-length straws along the edges of the pyramid holder, so each edge is extended with a straw

How to make an egg drop system?

The egg drop system submitted can be created using five rubber bands, one paper plate, one small… For this design,we put a egg in a cup full of straws bits and taped a cup filled with bits of… My egg drop design was made out of four smoothie straws cut in half, one balloon, and a lot of…

How do you stop an egg from dropping when dropped?

Build a shape around the egg with the straws. Hold the straws in place with tape. Add padding between the straws and the egg. Another way to use straws is to design a framework that suspends the egg during the drop. The frame absorbs the shock, preventing the egg from coming in contact with the surface.

How to make a straw egg holder?

The first step is the make a pyramid shape that holds the egg snugly. For this holder, each straw is bent to the appropriate length, so the egg can staying in it without moving.

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