How do you say my love in Trigedasleng?

How do you say my love in Trigedasleng?

Imeimei — so “I love you” in trigedasleng is “Ai hod yu in”…

Is Trikru language real?

Term Translation Trigedasleng (TRI-ge-da-sleng), sometimes shortened to Trig, is the language spoken by the earth-born people, the clans of Mid-Atlantic United States, known as Grounders. Trigedasleng translates to “forest language”, it originated with the Trikru clan and doesn’t have its own writing system.

What does Gonplei mean?

Yu gonplei ste odon means “Your (singular) fight is over”, and Yo gonplei ste odon means “Your (plural) fight is over”. Where you saw yo, it was probably in reference to a plural entity whose fight was over.

Does Lincoln speak English the 100?

Early life. Lincoln was a warrior from Trikru. In his youth, he saw a small dropship come to Earth from The Ark. He found a badly injured man inside but because he couldn’t speak English yet, he couldn’t ask the man what was wrong.

Are grounders real?

The Grounders alive today are descendants of humans who survived the Nuclear Apocalypse in 2052. Their origins can be traced back to the Second Dawn defectors led by Callie Cadogan, who were able to reclaim the ground after the nuclear fallout thanks to Becca Franko’s Nightblood serum.

Who is Trikru in the 100?

The Trikru are a group of Grounders who came together after the Nuclear Apocalypse in 2052. Two years after the apocalypse, a group of Second Dawn defectors led by Callie Cadogan left the Second Dawn Bunker to reclaim the ground.

What are the 13 clans?

The thirteen clans of the Coalition were:

  • Trikru.
  • Azgeda.
  • Floukru.
  • Sangedakru.
  • Yujleda.
  • Boudalan.
  • Trishanakru.
  • Podakru.

Who are the Trikru?

Do you like this video? The Trikru, also known as the Woods Clan, People of the Woods, Trigedakru, and Tree People, are a Grounder Clan that inhabited the expanse of woodlands around the area in which the Sky People landed. Their borders also extended to the location which was once Washington, D.C., but is now known as Tondc.

What language do the Trikru speak?

Trikru are known to speak their native language, Trigedasleng. Typically, only the warriors also speak American English ( Gonasleng ), which makes them bilingual. It is customary for Trikru to burn their dead on funeral pyres. When they ready their dead for the fire, part of the ritual involves saying the phrase: ” Kriken sonraun en branon.

What is the relationship between the sky people and the Trikru?

The Trikru initially had a hostile relationship with the Sky People, as well as a long history of fighting the Reapers, Mountain Men, and Azgeda. They were the primary antagonists of the first season .

What kind of tattoos do Trikru have?

Many also have black tribal tattoos on their face, chest, back and/or arms. Trikru are known to speak their native language, Trigedasleng. Typically, only the warriors also speak American English ( Gonasleng ), which makes them bilingual.

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