How do you solve equations and inequalities word problems?

How do you solve equations and inequalities word problems?

Word Problem Solving Strategies

  1. Read through the entire problem.
  2. Highlight the important information and key words that you need to solve the problem.
  3. Identify your variables.
  4. Write the equation or inequality.
  5. Solve.
  6. Write your answer in a complete sentence.
  7. Check or justify your answer.

How do you describe inequalities in words?

An inequality is a mathematical statement that compares two expressions using the ideas of greater than or less than. When you read an inequality, read it from left to right—just like reading text on a page. In algebra, inequalities are used to describe large sets of solutions.

What does the word inequality?

1 : the quality of being unequal or uneven: such as. a : social disparity. b : disparity of distribution or opportunity. c : lack of evenness. d : the condition of being variable : changeableness.

How do you write an inequality problem?

To write an inequality, use a bar model to write and solve equations, solve an equation using the inverse operation, convert a real world situation to the problem, write an inequality from a word problem, solve inequalities with inverse operations, represent an inequality solution set on a number line.

How do you solve and graph inequalities from a word problem?

Steps for Solving a System of Inequalities Word Problem. Read the problem and highlight important information. Identify the variables. Find one piece of information in the problem that you can use to write an inequality. Find a different piece of information that you can use to write a second inequality. Graph both inequalities on a grid.

How do you write an inequality?

Rearrange the equation so “y” is on the left and everything else on the right.

  • Plot the “y=” line (make it a solid line for y≤ or y≥,and a dashed line for y< or y>)
  • Shade above the line for a “greater than” (y> or y≥) or below the line for a “less than” (y< or y≤).
  • How to solve inequality problems?

    Add the same number to both sides.

  • Subtract the same number from both sides.
  • Multiply both sides by the same positive number.
  • Divide both sides by the same positive number.
  • Multiply both sides by the same negative number and reverse the sign.
  • Divide both sides by the same negative number and reverse the sign.
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