How do you use instrumental in a sentence?

How do you use instrumental in a sentence?

Instrumental sentence example

  1. He was largely instrumental in the work of strengthening the Church.
  2. The government operating in its correct role is instrumental to civilization.
  3. The prince de Ligne claimed to have been instrumental in arranging it.

What is an example of instrumental?

An example of an instrumental is a part of a song that has all instruments and no lyrics. Instrumental is defined as necessary or helpful, or relating to musical instruments. An example of something instrumental is a strong mathematical ability to winning a math bee.

Is an instrumental royalty free?

Is instrumental music royalty free? It can be! There are thousands of music artists that compose instrumental music.

Can a person be instrumental?

If someone or something is instrumental in a process, plan, or system, that person or thing is one of the most important influences in causing it to happen: She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.

What does instrumental role mean?

Definitions of instrumental role. the semantic role of the entity (usually inanimate) that the agent uses to perform an action or start a process. synonyms: instrument. type of: participant role, semantic role.

What is an example of instrumental value?

Instrumental values are the means by which we achieve our end goals. Examples of instrumental values include being polite, obedient, and self-controlled. Examples of terminal values include family security, national security, and salvation.

What do you mean by instrumental value?

Instrumental values are the means by which we achieve our end goals. Terminal values are defined as our end goals. Examples of instrumental values include being polite, obedient, and self-controlled.

What does it mean to be instrumental in someone’s life?

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