How many people have a silver shooting star on eBay?

How many people have a silver shooting star on eBay?

Feedback stars

Color Number of ratings
Purple shooting star 50,000 to 99,999
Red shooting star 100,000 to 499,999
Green shooting star 500,000 to 999,999
Silver shooting star 1,000,000 or more

What is a good eBay seller rating?

The few tenths of a percent between 99.9% and 99.6% say everything about a seller, and the items you are likely to receive. A good feedback rating is 99.8% or above. A rating of 99.5% or below is horrible! The worst sellers still have 97% positive feedback before they get kicked off eBay.

What does a red star on eBay mean?

Red star ( ) = 1,000 to 4,999 ratings. Green star ( ) = 5,000 to 9,999 ratings. Yellow shooting star ( ) = 10,000 to 24,999 ratings. Turquoise shooting star ( ) = 25,000 to 49,999 ratings.

How long does a defect stay on eBay?

If a defect on your account is eligible to be removed, we’ll automatically remove it within 72 hours. If the defect isn’t removed automatically, you may be able to appeal, depending on the circumstances. To improve your help experience, please sign in to your account.

How do you increase your eBay rating?

How To Increase eBay Seller Ratings

  1. Provide Accurate Item Descriptions.
  2. Request Feedback.
  3. Communicate.
  4. Ship Items Immediately.
  5. Follow up on Negative Feedback.
  6. Use Multi-Channel Listing Software.

What does yellow star on eBay mean?

A Feedback score of at least 10 earns you a yellow star ( ). The higher the Feedback score, the more positive ratings a member has received. As your Feedback score increases, your star will change color, all the way to a silver shooting star ( ) for a score above 1,000,000!

What does a silver shooting star in a seller’s star rating mean?

A silver shooting star in a seller’s star rating means they’ve received positive feedback over 1 million times. For a more detailed view of a seller’s performance, you can also view their detailed seller rating.

What do the Stars in seller reviews mean?

The more buyers who have rated their experience with a seller, the more assured you can be of getting great service. A silver shooting star in a seller’s star rating means they’ve received positive Feedback over 1 million times.

How do I view a seller’s detailed ratings?

To view a seller’s detailed seller ratings, select the number in brackets next to their username to go to their feedback profile. You’ll find stars next to the 4 different areas, with 1 star being the lowest rating and 5 stars being the highest.

What do eBay seller ratings mean?

Seller ratings let you know how other buyers have found the experience of making a purchase from your seller. The higher the seller’s feedback score, the better the seller. How feedback scores and seller ratings work When you buy an item on eBay, you can rate your experience with the seller.

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