How much does a Tegu lizard cost?

How much does a Tegu lizard cost?

$299.00 – $349.00 Sale!

How much is a gold TEGU?

A small Gold Tegu will run you from $60-$80 online.

How much is a blue TEGU?

Their care and intelligence is the same as most Argentine Tegus, but they do not normally grow longer than three feet. If you are looking for a unique Argentine Tegu, the Blue morph may be for you, but they cost a little bit more at $250 to $600….2. Blue Tegu.

Appearance and Range
Size 3 feet

Are Colombian tegus good pets?

These large reptiles have a reputation of being more aggressive than the similar-looking Argentine black and white tegus, therefore, they don’t make good pets for beginner reptile enthusiasts.

Will a tegu bite?

A tegu can use these to crush hard snail shells, eggs, tough nuts and fruit, and especially small bones. Studies on aggression and bite performance of these 3–4 foot long lizards revealed they can bite at up to 1,000 newtons of force. This is close to the upward range of large dog bites .

Which tegu is the best pet?

Blue argentine tegus
Blue argentine tegus are a very popular pet choice as far as tegus go. Their smaller average size is one reason for this, but they’re also quite docile. In fact, some blue tegu lizards can even be kept in pairs— with the proper husbandry techniques!

What is the biggest tegu?

The Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae), largest of all tegu species, is native to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Black to dark gray with white speckled bands across the back and tail, these reptiles can weigh 10 pounds or more and live 20 years.

Are tegu lizards good pets?

Tegus are incredibly intelligent and curious lizards that can be tamed and trained with regular handling and interaction. Argentine tegus are known to have “dog-like” qualities in that they are very loyal and seek companionship. Always be gentle, calm and talk softly so you do not accidentally frighten your pet.

How big of a tank does a Colombian TEGU need?

Colombian tegus grow fast and get pretty big. We recommend starting out a baby tegu in at least a 36″ x 18″ tank. Exo Terra’s Large or Zilla’s 40 breeder critter cage both work well. In just 3 years, they can reach an adult size of 3 feet for males and somewhat smaller for females.

What is the biggest TEGU?

How big does a teguixin get?

Familiarity with the different species is suggested as less valuable tegus such as T. teguixin are often sold as “black and white tegus” to unknowing customers looking to purchase S. merianae. Large males can reach a length of an impressive 60 inches, however most tegus range in size from 40-50 inches and weigh 8 to 15 pounds.

Are there any tegus in the pet trade?

Multiple species are found in the international pet trade: Salvator merianae (Argentine or giant black and white tegu, blue tegu), Salvator rufescens (red tegu), and Tupinambis teguixin (Colombian black and white or gold tegu). Tegus are becoming more common in the pet trade each year.

What questions should I ask when buying a tegu?

Buyers should be cautioned to ask about the origins of the tegu for sale if they are wanting a captive born and bred animal. Familiarity with the different species is suggested as less valuable tegus such as T. teguixin are often sold as “black and white tegus” to unknowing customers looking to purchase S. merianae.

Where do tegus live in South America?

Tegus are widely distributed throughout South America where they are tolerant of a variety of habitats. Salvator merianae and Salvator rufescens inhabit the central and western regions of the continent in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Bolivia.

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