How old is Karina from Desde Mi Sueno?

How old is Karina from Desde Mi Sueño?

With Desde Mi Sueño, Karina (19) made her debut as a composer with the songs “Lamento De La Jungla” and “Soni”. She also made hits out of the songs “Desde mi Sueño”, “No Puedo Vivir Sin Amor”, “En El Amor” and “No Sé”.

What was Karina’s first major role in Venezuela?

Her first major appearance was singing one of the roles in the play entitled El Taller Del Orfebre, a Venezuelan musical adaption of Karol Wojtyla’s ( His Holiness Pope John Paul II) play entitled The Jeweller’s Shop. Karina (19) sang the song, “Zapatos De Tacón Alto” (“High-heeled Shoes”).

How old is Karina Moreno?

Karina (born November 19, 1968, as Cynthia Karina Moreno Elías) is a Venezuelan Latin pop music singer, songwriter, and actress. Her first major appearance was singing one of the roles in the play entitled El Taller Del Orfebre, a Venezuelan musical adaption of Karol Wojtyla’s ( His Holiness Pope John Paul II) play entitled The Jeweller’s Shop.

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