How old is Nigahiga?

How old is Nigahiga?

[age 30] ), better known online as nigahiga, is an American YouTuber, vlogger, and sketch comedian initially known for his “How To Be” video series. He was born in Hilo, Hawaii, and he originally launched his YouTube channel in July 2006 with his childhood friend Sean Fujiyoshi, who is a year younger than him.

Is Nigahiga a good YouTuber?

Coming back to your question, Nigahiga’s a marvelous YouTuber, without a doubt. His content’s a lot more creative than most of the current YouTubers (including Pewdiepie). But, the reason why he lacks in terms of subscribers is that his channel is primarily focused on humour, with a mere one to two gameplays on his other channel, ‘HigaTV’.

Is Nigahiga a chingstah?

I’m a Chingstah! Ryan or nigahiga, is regarded as one of the most consistent YouTubers of all time standing to figures such as Smosh and others. This is due to his managing to stay relevant within the YouTube community since 2007.

What does Niga mean on YouTube?

According to him, “Niga” means “rant” in Japanese (although niga doesn’t exist in the language). When Ryan started his YouTube career, he did rants often thus naming his channel that along with his last name. Although he only makes rants on occasion now, it is still his channel name today.

Is Nigahiga the Best YouTuber of all time?

Ryan or nigahiga, is regarded as one of the most consistent YouTubers of all time standing to figures such as Smosh and others. This is due to his managing to stay relevant within the YouTube community since 2007.

What happened to Higa and Fujiyoshi?

On December 24, 2008, Higa and Fujiyoshi’s two most popular videos, How To Be Gangster and How To Be Emo, were removed due to copyright violations. On January 21, 2009, the nigahiga account was temporarily suspended and was required to remove more copyrighted videos.

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