
How to write a script case Study 4 : Sequencing of short sequences

Comment écrire un script Etude de cas 4 : Enchaînement de séquences courtes

Case study 4


How to write a script : The sequencing of short sequences


How to write a script…how to string together short sequences to print a rhythm to your scenario ? This week we will continue our case studies. It is true that sometimes you do not know how to write or describe certain sequences. I want to tell you not to panic ! There is a solution to everything ! ;o)

Besides, if you want that I discuss a particular topic please do not hesitate to let me know.

Let us return to our sheep…for this article, we will see how to write a sequence of short sequences. What to do ? Does it change the sequences at each change of venues ? Should we all write a hit with a single entitled ? Is there a particular presentation ?

I’ll give you the answer immediately : think about what you want to tell. Never lose sight of what you want to tell the story because it is that which is most important. You need to highlight the sequences that advance your story. If you apply this you’ll never have a problem of presentation. The writer induces the staging, giving the tracks to the producer.

But how to make several small sequences in rapid succession ?

Now let’s imagine that Martin is walking around with his girlfriend (Louise) on the streets of a city. They are chained to the shops, the streets etc…

So how do you do ?!!!

As I just told you this is really a case-by-case basis because it depends on what happens in each place. Let me explain : If a friend of Martin enters a shop and tries some clothes, a bit like Pretty woman, just write it as :



Sequence 1 : Int – Shop Thing – A-Day

Martin is sitting on a chair in front of the fitting room, where foreign exchange Louise. Louise tries several outfits, martin is sitting in a corner and bored.


Now let’s imagine that Martin or Louise talk between each outfit.

Sequence 1 : Int – Shop Thing – A-Day

Martin is sitting on a chair, in front of the fitting room, where foreign exchange Louise.

Louise tries an evening dress rather loose.

Martin is pouting.

Sequence 2 : Int – Shop Thing – a-Day/ a little later

Louise exits the cabin. She wears a ruffled dress printed flowers in pink and blue.


Are you kidding me ?


There it was, to see if you followed ! I found you drifting off to sleep a little

Louise laughs.

Sequence 3 : Int – Shop Thing – a-Day/ later

Louise exits the fitting room, she is wearing a dress very close to the body that puts its forms in value.

Martin rises ébahit.


So there !…


It looks like a chipolata, that’s it ?!


You’re beautiful


These sequences are very short. They occur in the same place and almost in continuity, but the fact that they are separated by a new title sequence allows readers and spectators to make their linking faster , and play on the passage of time.

If Martin and Louise are walking around without that this has no bearing on the story, in this case this kind of sequences is sufficient :

Scene 2 : Ext – a Different shopping Street – Day

Martin and Louise are walking at the option of the streets, the storefronts of the shops. They laugh, they walk, they hug, they play.


But if, during their wanderings, it happens something important, it will be necessary to return to a more normal. For example : Martin and Louise are wandering in the streets, they spent part of the afternoon to wander, but at the end of their walk they decide to go to a particular store : a jewelry store.

Sequence 1 : Ext – a Different shopping Street – Day

Martin and Louise are walking at the option of the streets, the storefronts of the shops. They laugh, they walk, they hug, they play.

Scene 2 : Ext – Street-shopping / jewellery –Day

Martin stops walking and holds Louise by the hand.


That is what happens to you ? Why did you stop??


We always promised never to lie to…

Louise (surprised)

… yes why ? !



Sequence 3 : Int – Jewelry Store – Day

Martin pushes the door to the jewelry store.


I have to tell you that I don’t want a small wedding !


But what is it that you talking about…


I want what it best for you

The manager of the jewelry store going in next to them, a keyring in hand. He closes the entrance door and down the iron curtain.

Martin turns to the manager.


You can go to Philipe ! (Louise) trust me.

The manager types in his hands. Three employees are coming forward, each with a showcase full of jewelry

Louise continues to be prohibited.



With these 3 sequences we have highlighted that it is not necessary to seal the story with : a change of sequence for each change of scenery or time. Especially if it is to show your characters walking, walking, choose and buy objects of no interest for your story.

In this way, you avoid also the dialogues unnecessary of the kind : what is you think of that ? Hello, this is how ? Oh ! Look, as it is pretty ! Etc..

Actually do not change the sequence with each change of scene or time, it is a bit of a contradiction with the foundations and rules that I explained in my first articles. Sometimes it is necessary to master the rules in order to break them. But if you look carefully, the sequences of walks will be very short. There is no information important to the story, the plot or the characters ‘ psychology.

On the other hand, the last street close to the shops must be separated from the others because the dialogue is resumed and that this moment is important. This also allows you to change the pace of the narration to return to a storytelling classic.

Another important element : The title. We have seen that it is possible to get out of the presentation of the” normal “

Seq xx : Int – shop – day

To add an indication of additional time as

Seq xx : Int –Shop – Day / a little later


This case study on how to write a script : the sequencing of short sequences.

I always try to be as clear as possible in my explanations but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to leave me a little message. If you encounter a situation that I cannot explain it, then also leave me a message.

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Tom W.

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