
Identification with the character, Write a short film Part IV

Identification au personnage, Ecrire un court-métrage Partie IV

The identification with the Character


The last time, I ended by saying how important it was that your story and your characters are real-seeming, regardless of the genre or the era in which takes place your film, or that your hero is a klingon, a kryptonien, a human or an animal.

Because your viewers are going to have a need that is very human to follow the adventures of your heroes : the identification. The identification with the character is one of the keys to a good script.

Then, of course, if your film is 1 to 5 minutes, it’s going to be a little complicated to take the time to put in place a strong identificationor even identification of any short you will say to me. However, it is always possible to do so, either by the appearance of your hero : his physique, his clothes, his way of acting or reacting, his social category etc….

If you’re on this small format is that your movie is a short film to drop, and therefore, the more your character will be identified by the viewer, the more your drop will have a significant impact. By and large, a very short film requires a quick characterization, while a short longer requires a characterization longer. It cannot be more simple ;o)

So that the spectator identifies himself with the character, it is absolutely necessary that your hero is consistent. In fact, if he is a good father of a family, he can not get out a weapon and kill everything that moves unless something we are led to believe. See or review : free-Fall ” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Falling Down (Free-Fall) . Film from 1993 with Michael Douglas.

This is where your bible characters. I refer you to one of my articles : “identity card”: the characters are strong and unforgettable, Click here.

Then I assure you, for a short film you don ‘t need to detail all the pages of your or your character because you don’t have the time required to do so, but also not necessarily need.

It is necessary for you to consider : where it comes from ?. Why ? because if you know his social environment, what he does in life, its qualities and its defects, this is more than enough.

All of this will define how your hero is going to talk about (outside of ict of language), how he will think and react. For example, if your character is ofa middle class, where it will go, the people he cotoiera will be defined. S’ he is agoraphobic, it will not be in a stadium to go see a concert. But this can become an ordeal he will have to face and overcome to succeed in his adventure. If he succeeds, then he will have changed, and because of this, it will be waived to stay cloitrer at him. Look again : “target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Copycat movie 1995. It is a very good example.

It is essential that your hero advances. Even if it becomes, or the decision that he takes is not that of the majority. You should not have to be politically correct. Sometimes, in this way, you also give pleasure or satisfaction to the spectators, even if, at the bottom of him, he would not have made the same choice, either out of fear, lack of courage or another. Seven is a very good example…The character played by kevin Spacey deserves to die…the gesture of Brad Pitt relieves us, we “avenge” ,yet….little ,in the room, would have really made this choice ! But theidentification with the character to its effect ;o)

Then, it is necessary that you, writer , you know clearly where will your character. What is its purpose ?

Pay for the marriage of his daughter while he is HOMELESS

Get out of the house because he is agoraphobic

Succeed to get out with the most beautiful girl in the school


If you are able to define the purpose clearly, so the audience will understand it clearly and will adhere to its mission.

I can already hear you from here : ” it is completely invalid as a goal “

I want to reply : ” yes and then ?! “ All the movies today are based on simple goals : love, war, sleeping with the daughter, to survive, the fear etc…

This is not the goal that makes your film, even if it is what you are defending, but it is how you put in scene. This is how you tell your story that matters ! All the originality of your film is on there !

A last example of identification surprising, of course, it is a series and not a short film, but the magic from the first minutes of the first episode. Dexter – The complete Seasons 1 6 [Blu-ray] ” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>The series Dexter ! it is a serial killer and yet it vibrates, we fear, or it is sometimes argued that ” heroes “ ! There’s a certain complicity that was established between him and us…

So much for this article on the identification with the character. Once again do not neglect this aspect ! if the identification with the character is not done with the spectator, then nothing will stop him from changing the channel or leave the room !

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Good luck….

Tom Weil

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