Hi all ! All first I’d like to somewhat apologize for the little article published in this month of October. This period has been a little hectic for me and my company , but the articles will resume very soon in a weekly rhythm !
I take this opportunity to make you a little note to warn you of the arrival of the salon of photography, held at the parc des expo-Door of Versailles in Paris on 13, 14, 15 ,16 and 17 November. If you are a regular reader of the site, you know that I have a partnership with the salon of photography, which allows you to benefit from free places then they are worth 11 euros !
To take advantage of this invitation, simply visit on :
http://www.invitationphoto.com and enter the code CIN14.
Unfortunately, I have a shoot on the other end of France, and I will not be able, to my great disappointment, not to be there… Especially as just after will be held the SATIS : the living room in France for the video professional, and I can tell you that I bite the fingers, because it would have been the opportunity to interview full of experts and also provide you with a ton of content. But promised, next year I will organize better in order to attend .
On the other hand, even if I’m not there, my box will be to capture the lectures of Laurent Breillat, the author of the book ” choose the purpose you like (http://www.apprendre-le-cinema.fr/chronique-choisir-lobjectif-qui-vous-ressemble/) “. There will, in effect, a stand or it will be goodies and there will facilitate with a number of stakeholders, lectures on different genres of photography :
The photo of naked
Sports photography
The photo of child
The wedding photo
The photo of storm
The landscape photo
The animal photos
So I’ll be curious to know, who in the readers of the site account go to this show ?