Is a translation a function?

Is a translation a function?

One definition of “to translate” is “to change from one place, state, form, or appearance to another”. When we take a function and tweak its rule so that its graph is moved to another spot on the axis system, yet remains recognizably the same graph, we are said to be “translating” the function.

What is Translation What are the steps involved in translation?

The steps in translation are: The ribosome binds to mRNA at a specific area. The ribosome starts matching tRNA anticodon sequences to the mRNA codon sequence. Each time a new tRNA comes into the ribosome, the amino acid that it was carrying gets added to the elongating polypeptide chain.

What are the rules for translation in geometry?

To Translate a shape: Every point of the shape must move: the same distance. in the same direction.

Is energy required for translation?

The energy required for translation of proteins is significant. For a protein containing n amino acids, the number of high-energy phosphate bonds required to translate it is 4n-1. The correct amino acid is covalently bonded to the correct transfer RNA (tRNA) by amino acyl transferases.

What happens during the second step of translation?

mRNA Translation Is The Second Step Of Protein Synthesis During the transcription, the information encoded in the DNA is copied to a messenger RNA sequence (mRNA), which then can move through the nucleus membrane and can reach the ribosomes in the cytoplasm.

What is the second step of translation called?

The next step makes up the bulk of translation. It’s called elongation, and it’s the addition of amino acids by the formation of peptide bonds. Elongation is just what it sounds like: a chain of amino acids grows longer and longer as more amino acids are added on.

How do you describe a translation function?

A function has been “translated” when it has been moved in a way that does not change its shape or rotate it in any way. A function can be translated either vertically, horizontally, or both. Other possible “transformations” of a function include dilation, reflection, and rotation.

Is tRNA used in translation or transcription?

tRNA is used in (translation/transcription).

In which of the following structures does translation occur?

Translation occurs in a structure called the ribosome, which is a factory for the synthesis of proteins. The ribosome has a small and a large subunit and is a complex molecule composed of several ribosomal RNA molecules and a number of proteins.

Which of the following is not correct about translation?

Hence, statement D is incorrect. So, the correct answer is ‘It occurs in nucleus’. Was this answer helpful?

What are the three major steps of translation?

Translation of an mRNA molecule occurs in three stages: initiation, elongation, and termination.

How can you identify a translation from an equation?

Key Takeaways

  1. A translation is a function that moves every point a constant distance in a specified direction.
  2. A vertical translation is generally given by the equation y=f(x)+b y = f ( x ) + b .
  3. A horizontal translation is generally given by the equation y=f(x−a) y = f ( x − a ) .

What statement is true about a translation?

Answer: Answer: 1. A translation takes a line to a parallel line or itself.

What is a translation on a graph?

A TRANSLATION OF A GRAPH is its rigid movement, vertically or horizontally. On the left is the graph of the absolute value function. On the right is its translation to a “new origin” at (3, 4).

What is an example of translation?

A translation is a transformation that moves every point in a figure the same distance in the same direction. For example, this transformation moves the parallelogram to the right 5 units and up 3 units.

What is the main purpose of the process of translation?

Translation is the process of translating the sequence of a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule to a sequence of amino acids during protein synthesis. The genetic code describes the relationship between the sequence of base pairs in a gene and the corresponding amino acid sequence that it encodes.

What is each codon eventually translated into?

Each codon stands for a specific amino acid, so if the message in mRNA is 900 nucleotides long, which corresponds to 300 codons, it will be translated into a chain of 300 amino acids.

What is produced during translation?

The molecule that results from translation is protein — or more precisely, translation produces short sequences of amino acids called peptides that get stitched together and become proteins. During translation, little protein factories called ribosomes read the messenger RNA sequences.

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