Is it a consensus or consensus?

Is it a consensus or consensus?

noun, plural con·sen·sus·es. majority of opinion: The consensus of the group was that they should meet twice a month.

What consensus means?

1a : general agreement : unanimity the consensus of their opinion, based on reports … from the border— John Hersey. b : the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned the consensus was to go ahead. 2 : group solidarity in sentiment and belief.

What is the strong consensus definition?

Strong consensus occurs when an opinion is shared widely throughout an entire population.

Does consensus mean 100 agreement?

Particularly for those teams with a high Synergist contingent, the concept of consensus is often defined as 100-percent agreement– unless everyone agrees, we don’t have an actionable decision.

Is it correct to say consensus of opinion?

So it comes as a shock to discover that there now seems to be a general consensus of opinion that it’s all but standard English to say “consensus of opinion.” And it’s almost okay to say “general consensus of opinion.” “Consensus” means “agreement of opinion or belief,” so why repeat “of opinion”?

What are some examples of consensus?

An example of consensus is when Republicans and Democrats agree on language for a bill. Consensus means generally accepted opinion. An example of consensus is most people believing that it is wrong to kill another person. A process of decision-making that seeks widespread agreement among group members.

Is consensus a majority?

Consensus is not a majority vote. A vote may help to organize discussion around specific proposals, but this can sometimes breed conflict and division. One problem with a yes-or-no vote on a proposal is that there may be a consensus for a middle option.

What is the meaning of the word consensus in English?

Meaning of “consensus” in the English Dictionary. “consensus” in English. C2 a generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people: The general consensus in the office is that he can’t do his job.

What is the general consensus in the office?

The general consensus in the office is that he can’t do his job. Could we reach a consensus on this matter? Let’s take a vote. agreement There’s widespread agreement that something must be done. acceptance His views never gained acceptance among the broader community.

What is the consensus on interest rates?

a generally accepted opinion among a group of people: The consensus among City economists is that interest rates will be held at 1%. agreement among a group of people: consensus on/about sth Achieving an international consensus on these issues is proving difficult.

What does consensus on/about STH mean?

consensus on/about sth Achieving an international consensus on these issues is proving difficult. a general/broad/growing consensus There is a growing consensus about the best methods for reducing carbon emissions.

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