Is salami publication always unethical?

Is salami publication always unethical?

What is the problem with salami publication? Salami publication is unethical for the reasons described further in this section. Authors are often advised to present the data in the simplest possible way and to focus on simple hypotheses in order to maintain the attention of the readers.

Why is salami slicing unethical?

Editors consider these as cases of “salami slicing”—unethically fragmenting the results of a single study and reporting them in multiple papers. In other words, it means breaking up a single research paper into their “least publishable units,” with each paper reporting different findings from the same study.

Is salami slicing a crime?

Salami Slicing is a form of financial cyber attack where the criminal takes an amount of money that is so insignificant that a single case is completely unnoticed. However due to the sheer number of accounts from which money is taken, the employee would make a sizable amount of money every month.

What is salami slicing in publications?

data in two or more publications, salami slicing involves breaking up or. segmenting a large study into two or. more publications.

Can a researcher submit the same paper in a different language?

Answer: Essentially, most journals require you to declare if your manuscript has been published previously and usually discourage publication of the same manuscript in another language. If you do, however, want to publish with additional data, it might be possible.

How do you stop salami cutting?

As a general rule, if multiple papers share the same hypothesis, population, and methods, and can be reported as a single study, it is unacceptable practice to split the data into segmented studies. We advised her to withdraw the submitted paper from the journal and rewrite it to include all the different outcomes.

What is salami theft?

A “salami-slicing attack” or “salami fraud” is a technique by which cyber-criminals steal money or resources a bit at a time so that there’s no noticeable difference in overall size.

Why is it called salami technique?

The expression evokes the idea of slicing up one’s opposition in the same way as one might slice up a salami. The phrase was coined by the Hungarian communist leader Matyos Rakosi as a way to describe his technique of dividing and isolating opposition parties during the 1940s.

Is Sage open a predatory Journal?

Many publishers, including SAGE, who publishes Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, have both a subscription and open access model to their operations. Open access publishing is a model used by many legitimate publishers, but it is also used by predatory or deceptive publishers.

What are the ethics behind the second publication of a paper previously published in another language?

The editor should contact the authors’ institution and request an investigation, and inform the authors of his intention to do so. Both journals should publish a notice of duplicate publication, preferably at the same time. – The length of the ban should be reconsidered.

What is salami technique?

salami technique noun A way of carrying out a plan by means of a series of small or imperceptible steps; specifically (originally US) a type of computer fraud in which small amounts of money are transferred from numerous customer accounts into an account held under a false name.

What are the stages of salami production?

Three major stages are involved in the production of salami: preparation of raw materials, fermentation, and ripening and drying. Minor differences in the formulation of the meat or production techniques give rise to the various kinds of salami across different countries.

Why is salami so popular in Europe?

Historically, salami was popular among Southern, Eastern, and Central European peasants because it can be stored at room temperature for up to 40 days once cut, supplementing a potentially meager or inconsistent supply of fresh meat. Countries and regions across Europe make their own traditional varieties of salami.

Is salami slicing harmful to science?

of Research Integrity, salami slicing can result in a distortion of the literature by leading unsuspecting readers to believe that data presented in each salami slice (i.e., journal article) is derived from a different subject sample.2 This not only skews the ‘scientific database’ but it creates repetition that wastes readers’

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