Is serous an adjective?

Is serous an adjective?

Containing, secreting, or resembling serum; watery; a fluid or discharge that is pale yellow and transparent, usually representing something of a benign nature.

What is serous exudate?

For instance, a serous exudate is the type of exudate that is clear, thin, and watery in contrast to a purulent exudate that is opaque, thick, and viscous. In tissue repair with an inflammatory phase, the exudate is typically serous.

How do you spell pus as an adjective?


  1. full of, containing, forming, or discharging pus; suppurating: a purulent sore.
  2. attended with suppuration: purulent appendicitis.
  3. of the nature of or like pus: purulent matter.

What is the meaning of serus?

: of, relating to, or resembling serum especially : of thin watery constitution a serous exudate — see also serous fluid.

What does Exudating mean?

Exudate is fluid that leaks out of blood vessels into nearby tissues. The fluid is made of cells, proteins, and solid materials. Exudate may ooze from cuts or from areas of infection or inflammation. It is also called pus.

Can pus be yellow?

Pus is a thick fluid containing dead tissue, cells, and bacteria. Your body often produces it when it’s fighting off an infection, especially infections caused by bacteria. Depending on the location and type of infection, pus can be many colors, including white, yellow, green, and brown.

What is Serofibrinous exudate?

se·ro·fib·rin·ous. (sē’rō-fib’rin-ŭs), Denoting an exudate composed of serum and fibrin.

Is exudate a drainage?

The drainage that seeps out of wounds can be called many things, but as wound care clinicians know, the technical term is exudate. This liquid, which is produced by the body in response to tissue damage, can tell us what we need to know about the wound.

What is serous exudate and what does it mean?

This is the most common form of exudate seen being emitted from a wound. It is a sign of normal wound healing. As the skin is knitting itself back together, there are natural wastes, such as dead cells and proteins. The wastes are gotten rid of via this clear, oozing liquid known as serous exudate.

What is an exudate and how is it formed?

An exudate is a fluid with a high content of protein and cellular debris which has escaped from blood vessels and has been deposited in tissues. Cellular material-tumour cells or foreign materials such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi. Infection/ cancer-inflammatory response recruit large number of white blood cells to the site.

What is the meaning of transudate?

Compare: transudate. Internal medicine A cell and protein-rich fluid that extravasates from the capillaries. See Hard exudate, Pleural exudate, Waxy exudate. Any fluid that has exuded out of a tissue or its capillaries because of injury or inflammation.

What causes blood in serosanguineous exudate?

Thus, a small amount of blood is mixed with the normal serous exudate. The most common culprit for this type of drainage is improper wound dressing changes. Someone is changing the bandage too roughly, causing injury to the wound bed. Serosanguineous exudate usually has no odor.

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