Lick The Star, the first short film directed by Sofia Coppola

Well before The Bling Ring, Somewhere, or Lost in Translation, Sofia Coppola had started turning in 1998 Lick The Star, a short film in black and white and visible in its entirety on the Internet.


Girls put in place a secret plan code-named “Lick the star”.

Our opinion

To be honest, I have a lot of trouble with the films of Sofia Coppola. Apart from Somewhere, the simplicity works, I find his films shallow, pretentious and vain. I left with a lot of preconceptions… and I loved this short film. If one finds here and there some of the themes dear to Sofia Coppola, the film has a real plot, and ellipses do not detract from the pace of the film, which is going super fast. Finally, some plans are very well chosen. A very good surprise.

The film – Lick the star by Sofia Coppola

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