May 27, 2009, will be released the next film from Ken Loach (It’s A Free World, Tickets), Looking For Eric.
The casting of this film is rather interesting : Steve Evets and Stephanie Bishop, of which this is the first film. And Eric Cantona, former footballer, but also an actor (The Second Breath, the Children Of The Marsh).
The pitch : Eric Bishop (Steve Evets) , postier à Manchester, traverse a bad pass. Under his nose, her two beautiful sons excellent in small trafficking of all kinds, his daughter accuses him of not being up to height, and his sentimental life is a desert. Despite the joyful friendship and good humor of his fellow postal workers who do everything they can to give him the smile, nothing… One evening, Eric turns to his idol, the poster on the wall of his room seemed to see a look of malicious. That would place the greatest player of Manchester United ? Eric is convinced, the King Cantona can help him resume his life in his hands.
Here are a few images and a teaser trailer (English version) yet unpublished in France since it has never been released.
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