Mensch : Bande-Annonce / Trailer (VF/HD)

Here is the trailer for the Mensch

The pitch : A 35-years-old, Sam is a breaker of chests out together. Between the custody of his little boy that he raises alone, his grandfather who wants to see it join the family business, his girlfriend who gets tired of his lies, he tries desperately to become a Mensch, a good man.

Mensch was directed by Steve Suissa (Cavalcade, The Great Role) with Nicolas Cazalé (The Son Of The Epicier, U. V.), Sara Martins (After The Ocean, the Time Of The Summer) and Anthony Delon (Dance With Him, Game-Of-Cons).

Date of national release on December 9, 2009 !

Mensch : Bande-Annonce / Trailer (VF/HD)

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