Why is it important to estimate?

Why is it important to estimate? In real life, estimation is part of our everyday experience. For students, estimating is an important skill. First and foremost, we want students to be able to determine the reasonableness of their answer. Without estimation skills, students aren’t able to determine if their answer is within a reasonable range. […]

How does a Filipino view death?

How does a Filipino view death? Death is a significant event in Filipino culture, and it’s not unusual for large numbers of people to show up and pay their respects. Because of their beliefs, many Filipinos don’t view death as the end of life. This is reflected in a hope-filled tone during services, alongside the […]

What is a dead culture?

What is a dead culture? Dead means a completely nonviable state with no chance of recovering to a healthy population. Images: (left) Alive culture of Spirulina (Arthrospira), (right) Dead culture of spirulina. At this point the culture is usually white or cloudy in color. It can smell ‘off’. Is Day of the Dead a tradition? […]

Is Respectfully yours a good closing?

Is Respectfully yours a good closing? Best regards, Cordially, and Yours respectfully These letter closings fill the need for something slightly more personal. They are appropriate once you have some knowledge of the person to whom you are writing. What does respectfully mean at the end of a letter? Respectfully means “in a way that […]

Why are my feet cold at night in bed?

Why are my feet cold at night in bed? As a general bonus, heating chilly feet causes vasodilation—dilation of the blood vessels—which helps redistribute heat throughout your body to prepare for sleep. ⁶ This, in turn, can signal to your brain that it’s time for bed and help you drift off to sleep. Why do […]

What skills do you need to be a healthcare administrator?

What skills do you need to be a healthcare administrator? The “universal” skills you’ll need as a healthcare administrator Communication. No surprise here—communication is a must-have ability for nearly any industry. Teamwork. Planning ability. Mentoring. Problem-solving. Business administration and operations. Patient care. Data analysis. What is another title for a hospital administrator? Administrators in the […]

What is the opposite of respectfully?

What is the opposite of respectfully? “respectful behavior”; “a respectful glance” Antonyms: withering, impious, disdainful, undeferential, insolent, jeering, disrespectful, undutiful, annihilating, impudent, insulting, contumelious, mocking, scornful, flip, snotty-nosed, derisive, gibelike, taunting, contemptuous, irreverent, devastating. Is it Yours respectfully or respectfully yours? ‘Respectfully’ ‘” Unless you’re addressing the US president, Licht says it’s too formal. If […]

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