Which of the following affects population size?

Which of the following affects population size? All of the factors affect population size. Birth rate, death rate, immigration, emigration, disease, competition and predation, human activity and natural disasters and occurrences. Population size is the total number of individual organisms in a population. How does population growth hinder economic development? That rapid population growth causes […]

Why is it important to understand computer and technology?

Why is it important to understand computer and technology? Having a good understanding of the terminology and jargon used with computers helps you be more efficient with other technology. For example, anyone connected to the Internet has a better understanding of using the Internet and connecting other devices. What are the benefits of understanding the […]

What type of selection occurs when individuals in a population?

What type of selection occurs when individuals in a population? During stabilizing selection, the intermediate phenotype is favored and becomes more common in the population. Disruptive selection occurs when both extreme phenotypes are favored, while individuals with intermediate phenotypes are selected against by something in nature. What are 3 factors that limit population growth? Limitations […]

What is basic education according to Mahatma Gandhi?

What is basic education according to Mahatma Gandhi? Education system proposed by Mahatma Gandhi is called as “Basic Education”. He mainly aims at the education in mother tongue and asked for activity centered education to make the children skilled and independent. What is Gandhi ideology? Gandhism is a body of ideas that describes the inspiration, […]

What excites you about being an entrepreneur?

What excites you about being an entrepreneur? Everyday is different. There’s nothing stagnant about being an entrepreneur. There’s always new business opportunities to explore, new ideas to think up, and new people to meet. Life as an entrepreneur is a constant rollercoaster and if you love what you do, it’s a really fun ride full […]

What is the first organ to fail when dying?

What is the first organ to fail when dying? Respiratory failure was most frequent in patients developing MOF (74.4%), and these patients had the highest mortality rate (65.5%) compared to patients with failure of other organ systems (liver, cardiovascular system). Generally, the lung is the first organ to fail after injury (failure after 3.7 +/- […]

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