Professionals of the cinema : Not to the windmill Tati !

Too much is too much, the professionals of the 7th Art are due to the fact that Tati refume his pipe and not his windmill…

The exhibition Jacques Tati – director, actor and screenwriter French – will be held from 8 April to 2 August 2009 at the Cinémathèque Française in Paris. You have certainly been able to see the poster of this exhibition. We see Monsieur Hulot in a bike smoking a pipe. Uh no, a windmill (!) The RATP and metro buses were more or less proud to claim this graphic to say the least, eccentric in having a sub-course of “smoking is bad”.

However, the Society of French Directors (SRF) and the Union de la Critique de Cinema do not agree at all and require new posters to the RATP and Metrobus.

“By displaying on the walls of the paris metro and the front of the bus, a photo of Monsieur Hulot-censored, that is to say, stripped of the famous pipe off, Metrobus has presented a picture that is diverted and altered, which affects the integrity and spirit of the work of Jacques Tati, which is an offence provided for in the code of intellectual property.”

If one adds to that the fact that the National Committee Against Tobacco (CNCT) has mentioned that there was no fault in relation to the famous Evin law, the loop is buckled.

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