So Close to Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache : 2 teasers online

On June 17, 2009 fate So Close, the new comedy ofEric Tolédano and Olivier Nakache (I Prefer That We Remain Friends, Our Happy Days)…

Synopsis : Family: Group of persons united by ties of kinship and a strong sense of solidarity, moral and material.

When Alain married Nathalie, he did not know that he will marry her as his family.

This Saturday, like every week, they are invited to dinner at the home of his brother-in-law, Jean-Pierre, Créteil.

But tonight, more than usual, Alain is a block, it boils like a pressure cooker ready to explode.

He is tired, tired of crashing every time on the way to go in Créteil, tired of banging the tips of life by Jean-Pierre and his wife Catherine, who raised her children like horses, tired of waiting for dinner on an empty stomach by watching the shows soporific of their daughter Gaëlle, tired of watching for the umpteenth time the video of their marriage, tired also of his other sister-in-law Roxane, who, distraught by her biological clock, has set his sights on Bruno, a young medical intern who wonders a bit how he landed at this dinner.

It’s true, Alain has had enough of these dinners the family, but he did not yet know what awaits him truly that night… Or the following days…

Level cast : Vincent Elbaz, Isabelle Carré, François-Xavier Demaison, Audrey Dana, Omar Sy, Joséphine De Meaux.

Here are 2 teasers just for you !

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