TULLY, the baby blues Charlize Theron – Critical

With tenderness and sweetness, the director of Juno evokes the exhaustion parenting in this new film is sensitive and gentle, worn by Charlize Theron grimée as a mother of three children.

It is his favourite theme. The director Jason Reitman goes even further into the depths of the parenting for his eighth film. TULLY particular, after the smiling Juno and the too wise for The Young Adult, and has already caused a sensation wherever it is spent, especially during the very sunny Sundance. The director himself explained that the three films formed a series on growing up. Of age. With, still, this combo adult/child/parent.

And in its small papers, Charlize Theron still. That which one knows in the roles glamorous or going out chic plays with her body as the americans love to believe that to lose weight, put on weight, or become ugly assure you the praises of the critics. The actress Mad Max Fury Road becomes a Bridget Jones mode mom who has lost all her gaiety. There is, therefore, the pilou-pilou and the thick socks, a classic !, but the layers and the dark circles have replaced bloopers WTF that have made the reputation of the single English. The comparison stops there. Not Brigdet Jones 4. But a TULLY where they allow themselves to be hugged by a real sensitivity, by a current of melancholy air that rushes into one of the taboo topics of the society, the baby blues.

Because, it seems that to be a mother, it is necessarily a happiness, which is inevitably a chance, necessarily fulfilling, necessarily a cure for any form of depression or grief…Jason Reitman fits in door-to-fake and lays a tender look on these weary mothers who are in spite of everything and until the end, their own anxieties in the background to suck up those of their family, in the name of stability.

Tired, carries an emotional charge become exhausting, our heroine is in her third confinement. Baby bottles at 3 o’clock in the morning become insurmountable, she decides to hire a nanny or night. Tully, precisely. A young free woman, and too perfect which takes care of the baby in the middle of the night, wake up mom just at feeding time. All day comfort, moral support ? The young Tully 20 years will be mostly the contrast with the mother of 40, the eye on the youth boom, the dreams become distant, and the changes become more obvious as the years go by. The body, the mind, the daily… where are the ambitions of our youth ? What conclusions after a marriage, a job and three kids ?

If it is impossible to say more at the risk of breaking the charm which emanates from the relationship of the mother/nanny, which you must do to discover that in cinemas, one cannot help but to evoke a outcome synonymous with apotheosis for the baby blues. Baby blues that dares to penetrate the very idea of the concept of family, poses a reflection on the relationship couple-parents, and more on the role of fathers.

Reitman tackles all of this with kindness and grace, but it could have, it is true, to spice up his film. Not something to be transcended, it is certain. The slow 96-minute lack of smiles may be, it changes the recklessness salty-sweet of Juno. Of course, it has from time to time of the surprise mode ‘loopholes’. And fortunately, there is the sweetness of the film that sends out its weaknesses to the nettles. Sweetness that transcribes essentially, and without displeasure, these precious moments that only a mother and her child share. The public hangs on to his life, this feels moved or rocked. A flavour of cotton, a cocoon, taste my touch and this mother’s love necessarily absolute reinforce the interest of the film every time they confront or live with the flaws of the mother.

In this portrait of a woman suffering from Baby Blues, Reitman just touch it. It is well that it is necessary to retain. Just like her actress just knocks it too. A Film whose quality is based on the interpretation of his actress-featured, TULLY offers to Charlize Theron one of his finest and most emotional roles in recent years, no doubt. Its composition in dotted lines, the actress makes this work is sensitive and thin. It is of TULLY, a nice film on the moms who sometimes still need, also, a big hug before falling asleep…

Yohann Sed

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TULLY, the baby blues Charlize Theron – Critical
Original title : Tully

Achievement : Jason Reitman

Screenplay : Diablo Cody

Main actors : Charlize Theron, Mackenzie Davisy

Release Date : June 27, 2018

Duration : 1h36min

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